Evolution on the building cost in the world ?

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Mar 29, 2012
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Trawler 72
As wrote on the thread I polluted with my post on the building cost I fill the price to built a boat became totally crazy !?

In the 97/99 when we prospected in France for the hull of our Long-Cours 62
the price was around 10€ per kg.
13/14 year ago in Vietnam could be 9€ per kg
10 year in Poland could be 17€ per kg
Now in France it is 43€ + per kg
Now even in ..Russia it is 22€ per kg

For a "normal" 5083 or 5083 and 6060 for the stiffener.
Unfortunately our "capital" don't follow the same curve :nonono:
In USA or place where you living is it the same ?
Any information on the South America or another place (in Vietnam the two shipyard I know and worked with are now under the ownership of ...Damen:mad:
Don't ask in ...North Korea, my wife said : NO!
At the beginning of the covid the price of alloy fall a lot, was interesting to buy the plate and stock them somewhere ...but I had not this "somewhere" ;, now I have the place for storage but the price of alloy ... with the demand and "officially" no more alloy from Russia...ok it decrease by 15% during the last year.
In 2016, in Poland, we look to made our LC62 .2 , rent a warehouse, rent welder etc the total cost for one 19m hull could be 90000€.
(including electricity, consumable, manpower, warehouse etc etc)
but 8 year later (older !!) I am little tired to built boat.
But find a boat who fulfill our desiderata... it is impossible ...at a reasonable price now.

For example to built a similar of this one
https://www.long-cours62.com/article-passagemaker-cherchez-l-erreur-77177400.html( not exactly similar more simple in some way , for example no more "curve" on the plating between wl and deck it means less time to form the frame and easier to fit the tick plating (10mm) and also take in count all the "mistake" I listed here

As you could read the list of my mistake is quite long :)

Now the price of the hull only in France became "stupid" based on the weight 11500 kg of alloy in the finish product will be in one wellknow boatyard in France ...495000€.Even if in my point of view based the price on € per kg it is not logic.
Because you could have an easy to built form of hull but heavy and in another hand a light complicated one with much more hour of manpower ..and 245000€in Russia...
Ok we could scalled down by 20% the plating and fit a more density of structure and save 1600 kg...
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