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    • Adopo
      Adopo replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      Yep, there it is, had to go look at the old pictures and found a few more. That is a very handsome boat, and knowing who owns it, it has...
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    • Adopo
      Adopo replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      Here is a cool boat, and to make it better it is in Brooklin ME, where one of the coolest yards ever is located...
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    • Adopo
      Adopo reacted to Mambo42's post in the thread Interesting boats with Like Like.
      Perhaps some of you follow his channel on Youtube and already know what he has done now. Gus, the guy of 'In Too Deep' has bought a 70'...
    • Adopo
      Adopo reacted to Northern Spy's post in the thread Interesting boats with Like Like.
      Tidy little pocket cruiser for the coast. "HULA GIRL" is for sale. This...
    • Adopo
      Adopo replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      Here is the right up for when the ad vanishes and click on this link for the article on Beebe. Good read...
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    • Adopo
      Adopo reacted to Mako's post in the thread Interesting boats with Like Like.
      Very nice restoration. Is the original Passagmaker? I recall there was a couple here who bought it after it had sunk and started a...
    • Adopo
      Just horrible, we all watched that from afar, and although we don't know the complete truth, I remember hearing stories of having no...
    • Adopo
      Adopo replied to the thread Sea Boat.
      Absolutely love it! What a boat should look like. Any interior pictures?
    • Adopo
      Adopo replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      74 if memory serves me, never heard of a 42 single though that's cool. What site is that?
    • Adopo
      Adopo reacted to MVTara's post in the thread Hull Number one of KK 60 Open with Like Like.
      I visited the boatyard a few months ago - just after the hull was released from the mold and various systems - cables and pipes were...
    • Adopo
      Adopo reacted to MVTara's post in the thread Hull Number one of KK 60 Open with Like Like.
      Hello Everyone: We are a new member couple who will soon own hull #1 of KK 60 Open. In this thread, we will post a few photographs we...
    • Adopo
      Adopo reacted to w8n4sun's post in the thread What happened to Oviatt Marine? with Like Like.
      Not too many Grand Alaskans roaming around here so nice to see another cruising in the area.
    • Adopo
      Adopo reacted to Trev's post in the thread What happened to Oviatt Marine? with Like Like.
      We also changed the boat name and had a party paying homage to King Neptune and asking for safe passage lots of champagne and dancing...
    • Adopo
      Adopo replied to the thread What happened to Oviatt Marine?.
      Funny you should ask. I tend to get paralyzed by analysis, I dig way too deep and get stuck. We had a contract on a boat that I really...
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    • Adopo
      Adopo replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      a few more
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