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O C Diver

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    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Shore Power Question.
      As mentioned above, do you have any circuit breakers (other than the incoming main breaker) for appliances that are 240 volt (double...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Heading to the SoC.
      You don't need to be social, just post an interesting picture with a description (if necessary) every now and then. Lots of us like to...
    • O C Diver
      The term "Near Coastal" more refers to safe dockage of protected anchorages as opposed to where you can get your boat fixed. As an...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Remove the "workbench?".
      This bench was on a 60' charter boat between a pair of 8-71s. So there was plenty of headroom in the center of the hull. I could have...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Remove the "workbench?".
      From memory (40+ years ago), it was hinged across the back to a bulkhead. It folded down against the bulkhead and hooked in place. The...
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    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Remove the "workbench?".
      I like a workbench, although I didn't have one on the Cherubini. Before you remove it, consider where you might put one. One of the...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Parallel Hybrid Get Home.
      I'm curious, is there a gear reduction attached to the motor or is any necessary reduction done through the two pulleys? Any chance of...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Thinking about it, but . . ..
      I have no doubt that you and your wife could easily do the Loop, the Great Lakes, and near Coastal. I did all of the above single handed...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Hangkai electric outboard.
      I have one of these also. It's on my Trinka 10' dinghy. As the dinghy is displacement, it's very efficient to about 3.5 knots. Nowadays...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver reacted to backinblue's post in the thread Hangkai electric outboard with Like Like.
      I've had one of these for years and like it a lot. It is 2 pieces, motor and battery, which each weigh about 20 lbs which is easy for...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread What is this? (Wood boat).
      Sounds like marriage. It’s not the initial investment, but the up keep. Ted
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Trolling Gear - How to?.
      While I know what they are, I can't help you with information. But, you probably want to identify the manufacturer of the transmission...
    • O C Diver
      Shouldn't be a problem as every battery charger and alternator is designed to measure voltage. When the voltage reaches the upper limit...
    • O C Diver
      As mentioned: A solution looking for a problem. Make a schedule of cycling all the seacocks once a month and you will exceed 99% of...
    • O C Diver
      O C Diver replied to the thread Simple but so Handy..
      Buy and use a label maker! Label identical systems to KNOW which one is the problem. Label identical valves to avoid stupid...
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