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    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Mainship Hydraulic steering.
      What garmstro55 says. SeaStar steering like Mainship used, and Wagner, another popular and similar system, are both "vented" systems...
      • sea star helm cutaway.jpg
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Stuffing box hose fitting.
      Dissimilar metal with salt water. At least use some teflon tape on the barb threads to somewhat isolate the bronze from the stainless...
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Stuffing box hose fitting.
      Looks like a Buck Algonquin unit to me. Any "self aligning" hose type stuffing box can replace that unit. Given the vintage of your boat...
      • 1737894859005.png
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Generators and noise..
      What you describe is called secondary isolation. Your primary isolator's should be mounted to the "current mounting board," and...
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Re-engine Marina Trader 34DC.
      You could not get more reliable engines that the John Deere or the Kubota. There is a reason these engines are used by most generator...
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread 34T Control issue.
      If routed and rigged correctly dual station mechanical controls work very well
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Richie compass.
      You may find a manual at link below. You may have inadvertently put a magnetic source near the sending unit. Stereo Speakers, vhf...
    • Keysdisease
      '97 was about the time Mainship experimented with Lenco electric Trim Tabs. A short lived experiment as they switched back to Bennet in...
      • Bennett V351 HPU.png
    • Keysdisease
      "Get a bottle jack and some sections of 2"x4" and lift the center of the flybridge up about 3/4" and you will be able to lift the fixed...
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Perko Replacement Basket.
      " Figuring out which one I have from the label is useless beyond knowing it is a 493/500. It is the one you have up there as 493 but the...
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Perko Replacement Basket.
      Like Dave said, you're looking in the wrong place, thats hundreds of dollars higher than it should be. The part numbering scheme for...
      • PERKO 493-500.png
    • Keysdisease
      Cat bought those mounts from an engine mount manufacturer. Mainship bought their Cat engines from Ring Power Cat in NE Florida. They...
      • Cushyfloat photo.jpg
    • Keysdisease
      Keysdisease replied to the thread Manatee Bay Club key largo.
      I have n direct experience except that I once hauled out at the yard next door. Except for US1 right out front it is off the beaten path...
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