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      cfr replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      and here her sister in Holland was sold arround 650 k. was a little bit dark inside and no hatches or natural ligt in all the...
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      as the boats get bigger and expensive the less experienced operators you find if self operated. to spent a fortune for a boat you need...
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      cfr replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      visited poolster some years ago in Travemünde, baltic sea, impressive and low profil ship. its for sale since 10 years, maybe since it...
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      cfr replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      two decent berths are so much better than a silly island berth.....i have them on my sailboat each us 1 x 2 m and would not change with...
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      cfr replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      the second one is crazy overpriced, i would say 400.000 eur is a fair price. here an interesting from Australia Used Passagemaker Long...
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