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    • long-cours.62
      If some one is interested by our Trawler , we are now open to a ( reasonable !) offer :-(
    • long-cours.62
      You are right few year ago I postuled to be Captain on a 24 m day trip sailing catamaran. I come on board they check my competence, I...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread The Case for Going Slow.
      Our former boat ( lwl 60' beam 5m and 32t) at 0.85 (6.6 kts) it was 6nm per gallon the actual ( lwl 19.30m beam 5.90m weight 58t) at...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread The Case for Going Slow.
      It is always funny for me when people had only for argument " I was x year..." Because I given to you one example of the lost of one...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread The Case for Going Slow.
      If I understood clearly this sentence with my poor English : "The parallel hybrid at one prop is same safety like two props and two...
    • long-cours.62
      Some more detail concerning our Pacific 72 : - new 1160 Ah 25 volts Lifepo batteries bank - two news DC/DC between alternator and...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread Interesting boats.
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread LiFepo info.
      A colleague who built catamaran fit this brand in them. You "built" your own battery with the wanted cell ( 100.200.500 amps) and buy...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread LiFepo info.
      90% of the time we use our solar panel ( 1200w) to charge our batteries . Our 9 kw generator was only in use for : washing machine or...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread LiFepo info.
      We have no problem with our actual classic lead batteries, but they are now little more than 6 year old. and as said our average use...
    • long-cours.62
      Hello all ! I have some question concerning batteries LiFepo. I project to replace our actual service lead batteries (6 year old still...
      • 20240520_171040.jpg
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      Find the two similar Cammenga 61' Cammenga 1967 North Sea Trawler CAMMENGA 61 NORTH SEA TRAWLER motor yacht for sale | De Valk Yacht...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      "...I don't think you're going to find a 70'+ boat in that shape for at least twice the price..." You could find some ...half this...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 replied to the thread Interesting boats.
      Nice arrangement, but you are right, For example she is : 25% less volume than our In steel 1 engine with 5200 hours more than our 32...
    • long-cours.62
      long-cours.62 reacted to SeaLion's post in the thread Interesting boats with Like Like.
      Agreed. I think there’s an extra “1” in front of the price.
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