3 or 4 weeks in that area should allow you to visit a lot of very nice anchorages, if that is of interest to you.* If you prefer staying at docks, they are close enough together, to allow you quite a few opportunities, to get into some good Canadian beer in an afternoon and\or evening.
Have you been up this way often?* Where do you plan to visit?*
We finally got moved into our new Sechelt home, and the telephone, cable, and internet have been connected, so life is getting back to normal, and normal for me includes some quality time on the B.C.\Alaska waterways during the summer.* We will get the Income Tax turned in tomorrow, and then get the boat ready for as much summer travel as we can squeeze in before October.
We will pass through Johnstone Strait and Queen Charlotte Strait in both directions, and almost certainly run Havannah Channel and Chatham Channel in one dirction at least.* "Stalwyn" on 16 will be on the lookout for you, if we pass through at the times you have indicated.