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    • B
      Essence of movement, lol. That’s a very accurate description. Yours is the boat I was referencing. Put that stern thruster on next years...
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      Bmarler replied to the thread Batmon Replacement.
      Victron has the bmv-700 series, but only monitors one extra battery. You can do an external toggle for the third bank, but I'd prefer...
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      Does the movement at anchor cause the iPad to wake up? Or are you using external gps?
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      Bmarler replied to the thread Batmon Replacement.
      Most of the current generation of battery monitors have this capacity. I use a balmar smart gauge with a smart shunt. It does exactly...
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      Bmarler replied to the thread Bilge pump questions.
      Your opinion. My boat is full displacement with a common bilge, no compartment separation. So I essentially have one big pump for it...
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      Bmarler replied to the thread Anchor for a rocky bottom.
      I avoid rocky bottoms whenever possible, but if I had to choose one I think I’d use a forfjord. Primitive design, hard to bend or break.
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      Bmarler replied to the thread Bilge pump questions.
      That’s essentially how mine are. I have a power post before the buss bars for the bilge pumps and alarm.
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      Bmarler replied to the thread Bilge pump questions.
      Agreed, but this gives a level of redundancy without stringing new wire. Not sure of the OPs level of DIY-ness.
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      Bmarler replied to the thread Bilge pump questions.
      I would consider adding another pump to the ten amp circuit. A nice big one. Let the little one do most of the work, the big one comes...
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      Bmarler replied to the thread Large Dogs Cruising the PNW.
      Transient moorage every night becomes very expensive. Plus, you miss out on all the great places to anchor out. Consider a good size...
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      The voltages I posted were on the service bulletin from balmar, and we’re also posted with recommendation to check your battery...
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      That’s tough to answer. I think it would vary depending on the boat. If your boat has active and predictable prop walk, the bow thruster...
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      So, the graph looks like soc over about a 14 hour span. Was the engine running this whole time? We can’t see the actual battery voltage...
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      I had a sailboat for about thirty years, cruising the PNW. I never really felt like I was in a cave, the cabin down below was warm and...
    • B
      Bmarler replied to the thread Diesel Heater Project.
      That’s a nice little day tank. A fill up on that should last several days of off and on use. It’s amazing what you can gat on Amazon, I...
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