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Jeff F

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    • Jeff F
      I'm not sure what we're debating here. If you're trying to dispute my claim that batteries won't stay at 100% float then I'm going to...
    • Jeff F
      No snark taken. I'm throwing it out to try to show where voltages can become seriously disconnected from SoC. If you start cycling to...
    • Jeff F
      Sure, if you discharge at a slow constant rate this holds true. But throw in a high discharge event and it goes out the window. Try...
    • Jeff F
      Right. Sure, a blown engine is a big expense, but if you're a member of the club of boat ownership it shouldn't mean financial ruin. I...
    • Jeff F
      This has been a good discussion. Now we just need to hear how Kevin has made out with his Zeus….
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread Anchor for a rocky bottom.
      Yeah, I don't try to beat it. Some things you just live with. If I'm aboard and have appropriate alerts/alarms in place I can live...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread Anchor for a rocky bottom.
      Fair enough. But I'd suggest a Fortress is a great #2 anchor, especially if Bruce is #1. Note that it's a *lot* easier to stow away...
    • Jeff F
      I buy this. Here are my disagreements, based on having used this approach with my alternator regulation. 1) the battery may drift out...
    • Jeff F
      My example may be a bit too contrived. In your use case described above if you held that 100a load for an hour instead of a few minutes...
    • Jeff F
      I'll offer a prediction here. I think that each discharge cycle draws down the voltage a little bit. Bringing the battery back to 13.5...
    • Jeff F
      Yes, I'd agree with that observation. That's why I think the absorb phase matters. The farther/faster you force a voltage change, the...
    • Jeff F
      Jeff F replied to the thread The Boat Market Today.
      Just beware that once you know the boat really well you'll start noticing things that you really don't like, and recognizing...
    • Jeff F
      One more anecdote that's closer to home. When I installed Lithium 3.5 years ago I deliberately wanted to rely on solar as much as...
    • Jeff F
      Approach this as a calibration challenge. I'd posit that since you've never tried significantly higher thresholds (not just voltage...
    • Jeff F
      Right. By using 13.8 you're leaving ~10% of capacity on the table. If you were more aggressive with the top charge you'd never see...
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