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    • koliver
      koliver replied to the thread windlass.
      My Lofrans Tigres has 3 fat (#4 or fatter) wires to the windlass. Your Lofrans is likely similar. One is ground, one is up, one is down...
    • koliver
      koliver replied to the thread DIY Hull roll and tipping.
      I painted over gelcoat with Petit Easypoxy in about 1984. The paint may have improved since then, but then it was totally...
    • koliver
      There is now an audio on the news, so we know that the Beaver was told by the tower to watch for a West bound boat, just before takeoff...
    • koliver
      I have a box of assorted O rings from Harbor Freight. Cheap and will get you by if not exactly the size or material you are looking for.
    • koliver
      koliver replied to the thread Cockpit Winches.
      I have a pair on my davits, similar to the Andersons. I use them for my stern tie lines (not webbing, I have a 600' coil of 3/8 yellow...
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