Vee vs Walk Around Berth

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For what it's worth, I have (or had) a V-berth, but hate v-berths so changed it. The thing is, if you sleep head to the stern, the motion feet-first is weird and I always feel like I'm head down & sliding out. Can't go head forward because 2 heads & shoulders are just too cramped and my wife hates having her head under the deck. So... even on our little 28' flybridge, the beam is enough that we can go athwartship. After years of just sleeping that way (but falling in the cushion cracks), I finally bought a long-double memory-foam mattress, tossed the v-berth cushions, cut about 4" of the very front corners and it's great! I had to make some triangular fillers to go at the foot & head over to the hull sides. But was able to use some from the foam from the old cushions for those & upolstered them. It's fantastic! Comfortable, nice action (when the boats is bobbing around), can use standard fitted sheets & blankets, and it's easy to get in and out. So, maybe you want to try laying on those births cross-ways.
A walk around berth is fine in still water but side boards and a center bundiling board will be required when the water is rougher.
A walk around berth is fine in still water but side boards and a center bundiling board will be required when the water is rougher.
That's why I like our walk around king which is close enough to a square.

If fore and aft gets uncomfortable sleep athwartships and all is good

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