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    • Seevee
      Seevee replied to the thread Deal before survey?.
      Interesting. Lots of ways to buy/sell a boat, a lot depends on the boat itself and how much you trust the seller/buyer and broker...
    • Seevee
      baloney...... I've done many many transactions myself. The paper work is simple, Dirt simple if you know what you're doing. I've bought...
    • Seevee
      Seevee replied to the thread Please explain purchasing a slip.
      There are some slips available for purchase out there. However, as mentioned a above there's a LOT of issues to deal with. What do you...
    • Seevee
      I don't mean to say that multi (or commercial, for that matter) can't work. It's just harder, by a significant amount. I can buy some...
    • Seevee
      Seevee replied to the thread Cockpit Winches.
      So, give us uneducated an update on winches.... what's: self tailing webbing line self-tailing mechanism Bring us up to speed. I've...
    • Seevee
      Overall, real estate is clearly the way to wealth. But it take education and experience to do it successfully. I do only single family...
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