Single vs Twin: It's Baaaaack!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I've made 2 full circumnavigations and literally years (7 years, 6 months, 3 days) of cruising on ships with 4 screws. I don't remember ever being towed. :)

oh, so now we are up to four screws? I'm beginning to get the idea it dosent matter how many screws you have as long as at least one of them is meticulously maintanined

anyone for five screws????
I need some fresh air.

Well that does it. I've had enough.

WTF do you have against Defevers????

or Grand Banks for that matter.

I promised Walt that I would not comment on this topic anymore and I have too much respect for the man to renege on a promise I make to him. So you'll have to figure out the answer to that one on your own.:)
There was a lot of talk about running on one engine a while back. It would seem 3 screws would be a perfect shoe in (or skeg in) for the go slow go fast boat.

There seems to be hordes of trawler guys that want to do the slow fast gig but no tripple screw boats to be seen.

75 posts to go.
There was a lot of talk about running on one engine a while back. It would seem 3 screws would be a perfect shoe in (or skeg in) for the go slow go fast boat.

There seems to be hordes of trawler guys that want to do the slow fast gig but no tripple screw boats to be seen.

75 posts to go.

Didn't the Titanic have three engines and propellers?
For triple engines, see the Halifax class FFH (Fast Frigate Helicopter) of the Canadian Navy. Two diesels, that push her to 16 knots, then add the gas turbine to get her up to 30 knots.
even though it means I'll have to crank my thesaurus app up to the next level.

The thesaurus in your head works just fine!
For triple engines, see the Halifax class FFH (Fast Frigate Helicopter) of the Canadian Navy. Two diesels, that push her to 16 knots, then add the gas turbine to get her up to 30 knots.

The other way around, a single diesel for cruise and two gas turbines for sprint. A delightfully complex and expensive combining gearbox drives two screws through over-running clutches for a CODAG drive.
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I don't know about you, but I prefer to keep my dangling-down bits well protected while going over logs or sharp nasty rocks.

Here's proof you can have it both ways so stop pissssing on each other ...


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My fingers are buggered just scrolling through all this stuff.....
Here's proof you can have it both ways

Interesting trailing edge on those rudders.
Interesting trailing edge on those rudders.

The only people who worry about that sort of thing operate large ships in the liner trades or toy boats.
Here's proof you can have it both ways so stop pissssing on each other ...

I wasn't talking about my boats dangly bits, I was talking about my naked self leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia, where I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers. I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars :D

Lumber jack song - YouTube
oh, so now we are up to four screws? I'm beginning to get the idea it dosent matter how many screws you have...

anyone for five screws????

Back to back... In one night!!???? :socool: Maybe in the early 1970's! :D :thumb:

I'll ask my Admiral's recall bout dat - LOL :rofl:
oh, so now we are up to four screws? I'm beginning to get the idea it dosent matter how many screws you have as long as at least one of them is meticulously maintanined

anyone for five screws????

Sorry, couldn't resist.


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For triple engines, see the Halifax class FFH (Fast Frigate Helicopter) of the Canadian Navy. Two diesels, that push her to 16 knots, then add the gas turbine to get her up to 30 knots.

yeehawww!!!!! bout some hydrofoils to really get er up and movin. I can see it now, a 36 GB woody wizzing along on foils at 40kts......

ahh life is good.....
yeehawww!!!!! bout some hydrofoils to really get er up and movin. I can see it now, a 36 GB woody wizzing along on foils at 40kts......

ahh life is good.....

Ya but then your back to dealing with them nasty dead heads that jump out at you while you are having so much fun.:rofl:
US Navy Pegasus class were stationed in Key West for pulled away from me handily when I was flying the old 85 knot HH52 helicopter....:eek::thumb:
Gee,s the discussion is still going? :eek: Is this site still being monitored?:confused: Its getting as bad as PMM use to be! :nonono:

I know! "You don't have to read it" :facepalm:

Ahem....Members, pending members, potential members, aspiring members, honorable members, dishonorable members (well SOME of you), structural members, and dangling members of the TFHOF (Trawler Forum Hall of Fame)...(Pronounced "ta-foof as in saloon)
You're probably wondering why I have called you all here. Well, as the prenominal occupant of the TFHOF it behooves me to mention, what I see is a disturbing trend creeping into TF. A trend I myself recently succumbed to in the Good Engine, Bad Engine thread post #30...sorry, I panicked. Yes my brothers and sisters (BS), I stumbled.
Allow me to draw your attention to posts #382, #437 and #442. (Apologies Mr. Lurker, I don't mean to single you out. Yours is simply the most recent lurid example) Let us attempt to keep TF a family friendly site.
There should be enough of our BS about to apply a modicum of sympathetic, humble, intelligent, tact (****) to those members whose pop-up advertisements consist of invitations to visit "Ass of the Mohicans, An officer and a Genitalman, Monty's Python and the Horny Male" or "Ordinary Peepholes". Not to mention "Romeo at Joliet".
Thank you for your time, patience and understanding. Remember BS and let's make that **** happen!
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