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      Peter B replied to the thread Hello. How are you doing?.
      Welcome to the forum. Plenty about GBs on here. Use the search function to assist. 🤔😊
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      Peter B replied to the thread New guy.
      Welcome to TF. Tell us a bit more about your journey. Also, we love photos. 😎
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      Good grief. This sort of thing never happened back in the days when I was at med school in Dunedin, and we travelled back to the North...
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      Peter B replied to the thread New mate from California.
      Yes, sorry about my typo. See my PM.
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      Thanks for putting that up Bruce. Sounds very interesting. Clearly out on the water, well away from power outlets, range anxiety is a...
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      Peter B replied to the thread New member.
      Welcome Jim and Deb. You'll find a huge amount of collective knowledge on here. You have a very nice vessel. ✅ 👍
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      Peter B replied to the thread Greetings all!.
      Welcome to another Aussie. Do you back the Blues, or are you a closet Q'lander down there..? 😬
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      I had a great result replacing water tanks with plastic. Those ones in your link look the real deal, fuel grade. If you could slide in...
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      Peter B replied to the thread Hello.
      Welcome to TF. To assist in your getting maybe more replies, I've moved your thread to the Taiwanese Makes area. 😊
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      Peter B replied to the thread New mate from California.
      Welcome to TF. 😊 One of our other mods has that same design of vessel. Look up Flyright...
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      Peter B replied to the thread Anchor size.
      First issue is the chain size. I would recommend getting a good length, based on the depths you will most be anchoring in, of new...
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