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      DDW replied to the thread Aqualloy 22 vs 19 and where to buy?.
      Good question. I have some of both (17-4PH and 304) on both boats, in my experience at least above the waterline, the 304 holds up...
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      DDW replied to the thread Aqualloy 22 vs 19 and where to buy?.
      Aquamet 19 is 17-4PH stainless steel, Aquamet 22 is duplex stainless. I would not use 19 in a boat kept in salt water. While both can...
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      The autopilot controls use up a little bit of screen space, which is limited already on an Axiom 9. I have the 70p and like having the...
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      DDW replied to the thread Starlink Mini.
      The mini may be somewhat unique in that the power cable is just power, nothing else. Using coax for it eliminates most radiated EMI...
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      DDW replied to the thread Starlink Mini.
      Are you using the cord supplied with the unit? Did you cut it? That is supposed to be 15m, reluctant to cut it off, but after market...
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      DDW replied to the thread Starlink Mini.
      I just ordered one. An issue I can see is that it apparently has small wires in the power cable, the wall wart supplied with it is 30V...
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      DDW replied to the thread PLCs In Boats.
      One of the reason that PLC programming appears "stone age" is that it is a DSP type programming task. That is, real time, with...
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      DDW replied to the thread Balmar Regulators.
      Tons of boats with LFP and Wakefield. It integrates fully with many LFP BMS units, much better than the Balmar. It is always possible to...
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      DDW replied to the thread Inside Passage Butedale update.
      The current at the dock there is a mystery: it will go one direction for a half hour, stop, then go the other for a half hour. Repeatedly.
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      DDW replied to the thread Starlink Mini.
      Isn't the mobile RV plan $150/month? So you can get a home system for $120, the mobile for $30, and end up with both for the same price?
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      DDW replied to the thread US citizen keeping boat in BC.
      This is true, and I did it for a couple of years in the Great Lakes. The import date to Canada that starts the 12 month calendar is the...
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      It should be pretty easy to tell by looking at the profile in the brochure. I would worry less about where the bulkheads were and just...
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      The washer is running directly from the generator, or through the Victron pass-through relay? What is the amp limit set to on the...
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      If it is a bicycle battery, then it is likely lithium cobalt rather than LFP, so those current ratings are believable. Don't charge it...
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      DDW replied to the thread The story of Joshua Slocum.
      I think Two Years Before the Mast is pretty factual, and has interesting descriptions of early California.
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