Parts identifier on my new boat purchase

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Veteran Member
Aug 20, 2017
Vessel Name
Zorro Del Mar
Vessel Make
1972 Tollycraft Tri-Cabin
Hey folks -

I'll do some online reviews for these items, but I'd like to know if anybody here can give their feedback or experience story on some of the things show in the photos. I'd like to know what's worth keeping, what needs to be tossed, etc.



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It is all very old gear and some of it, like the CRT radar display looks ancient. But i would try it and see how you like it. Some only want the latest chart plotter with touch screen interface integrated to the radar. Others are fine with older, dedicated purpose units.

Your pix of electronics puts your concerns about the engines into perspective. All that stuff would be seen in antique shops.

See what works. Chuck the rest.
I have a similar JRC ( mine is a 1500) and while a bit old it is working fine. If yours works I would keep it but it depends on the need you have for it.

If it works and you're happy with the operation, keep it. Unless you're worried about "keeping up with the Jones".
If you have room for it, the old stuff makes good backup. The Decca was one of the better radars (30+ years ago). The Furuno Navigator was still being sold a few years ago. I have one as a backup.
I have a Furuno too and although the date on the front says 1997 and I've never figured out how to update it, it gives lat and long and a large, readable speed readout as a great backup.

Use it or toss it.
Unless you're worried about "keeping up with the Jones".

ha! No, no - none of that over here. I'm more interested in knowing if any of the equipment shown is known to be bad/unreliable/finicky.

I assume that if things work, they work, and if they get the job done, I'm good to go. But if folks have had experience with any of the equipment shown, and know some "nuances" about it (ex: you have to tap it every now and then when it freezes, etc.), that would be helpful to know.

My boat appears to have two radar systems - the old one, and the ancient one. I wonder why he had two. Backup? Do they serve separate purposes?
That stuff probably still works and the PO was happy enough with it. My boat had a 26 year old sounder which worked but was pretty basic so I tossed it. My radar is a Koden cathode-ray and it works great, although it is getting very long in the tooth. That will have to quit before it gets replaced.

Anyone know how to upgrade the date on the Furuno?
Just because it's old doesn't mean it's not worthwhile.

Keep it, use it. If it doesn't work then get rid of it.

Too boot, that will give you time to research what you want to replace it with. Maybe once you learn how to use it you will find other projects that will take your time/money that are more important.
What everyone says about the radar.

I don't believe the Benmar A/P is supported by anyone anymore, there is a Benmar website, but it doesn't look current by any standard. If it works keep it, if it doesn't or fails the pump may very well be good and most A/P pumps are universal, so it would work with a current unit by most manufacturers.

Furuno stuff is usually bullet proof, if it works hang onto it and it will probably serve you well for many more year.

The last unit looks like an Aquameter something, compass company that tried to be in the electronics business, don't expect too much

$0.02 :socool:
The Furuno GPS Navigator -- looks like maybe a GP-31/GP-36 or similar -- is probably pretty good, if working. If it's a GP-36, it'd be a Differential GPS and you'll usually get very decent location info with it. Ours (from the PO's original installation) has 5 different screens with various info presented on each screen, anchor alarms, etc.... and works well, so we kept it as a back-up when we did a refit on most of the rest of our electronics.

If it's a GP-31 or GP-36, think of it as a chartplotter, with almost all the typical plotter functions except for a visual on the chart itself. You can likely find the manual on the Furuno website...

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I have a Furuno too and although the date on the front says 1997 and I've never figured out how to update it, it gives lat and long and a large, readable speed readout as a great backup.

Anyone know how to upgrade the date on the Furuno?

I can't remember if we've had to reset the date on ours, but I'd have thought it'd be in the system set-up menu somewhere, perhaps attached to the time setup (although that's mostly only about time zone offsets IIRC). OTOH, I just did a quick keyword search through our manual on "date" and nothing seems to apply to system date.

Did you ask Furuno? They've usually been pretty decent for support...

Edit: I just looked more closely, no mention of setting date or time, just time zone offset and 12/24 hour display. I think that reminds me ours gets date/time from the satellites.


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