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    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread Hard to start.
      Before starting put a hairdryer in the intake and while cranking. If it starts right up low compression meaning worn rings and sleeves...
    • Lepke
      Is your raw water pump gear driven or belt driven? It sounds like there too much side pressure as if a belt is too tight or a gear...
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread Eberspacher D5 heater fun.
      John McK 47 is a youtuber that did a series of videos on the Chinese version of the Eberspacher. They're close enough copy that the...
    • Lepke
      A source of cheaper non OEM parts: Cummins QSK 19 | Diesel Pro I buy Detroit parts here sometimes. They fit and last as good as Detroit...
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread Washer/Dryer install.
      Depending on the washer model, it can discharge water faster than many yacht sump pumps. Plastic pipe with a thick wall (1/4") works...
    • Lepke
      I have gone thru with a side tow. Not a skiff.
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread engine heating and cooling.
      With keel cooling there's no salt water system. No pump, impeller, heat exchanger, seacock, hoses, to maintain. But within the coolant...
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread energizing generator glow plug.
      The contact points are burned and sticking, probably in the relay. On my Onan the glow plugs get power when pressing the run button. I...
    • Lepke
      You have to login to see the pictures. The boat linked is $85k now. All engines are Detroits, so reliable after you fix the problems...
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread Starlink Info. please.
      I was in the 1st group that got the original round antenna. No equipment issues and very rare signal loss. The longest signal loss I...
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread Sleeve vs rebore.
      Depending on the engine hours, I'd do all the cylinders and change the bearings.
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread Biggest Boat for Single Handing.
      How big depends on your ability. You need to practice docking a lot. And you need to plan. You may have to wait for tide and wind...
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread Westerbeke generator question.
      The pump impeller could be bad. The elbow usually slowly plugs over months or years, not one winter. There could be restrictions in the...
    • Lepke
      Most generator ends require the bearing to be changed every 5 years. Even with few hours. The heat over time hardens any grease and the...
    • Lepke
      Lepke replied to the thread Calaer heater repair?.
      There's a youtube channel - John McK 47 - that goes into detail how Chinese heaters work. It is good info over several videos.
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