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C lectric

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    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Engine anode.
      Ouch, a very late reply. Sorry about that but health problems prevented any replies. I have been some what active here and...
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Synthetic oil for diesel.
      I do not nor have I used synthetic in my Cummins V555 engine M. I looked into it years ago and decided there was no saving either $$...
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Trailer Trawler.
      A bunch of years ago when we were hauling a trailer we met a couple from, I don't really remember but I think Alberta, heading for...
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Cracks in coolant hose.
      I don't know your engine, mine is the V555M, now old and with 32 litres of coolant.. Take a good solid look at the engine for any...
    • C lectric
      I don't know your boat so this is partly guesswork. Odds are the previous alternator had an output that sent a signal to the tachometer...
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Wagner 700 helm system.
      I have a Wagner system. I am guessing but my guessing says you have leaking piston cup seals in the cylinder that actuates the...
    • C lectric
      Consider joining Boat Diesel. You can ask as a guest but a lot of info is available in their PDF files listed on the Left side of the...
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Rail netting.
      Use the BLACK ties. White will not last very long as it is NOT UV stabilized at all. The Black is UV stabilized from the black.
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Cummings VT 900 M.
      I agree about joining Boat Diesel. It may or may not help but you won't know unless you try. Also try Ebay. THey have, or used to...
    • C lectric
      I built my own tank of about 35Gal close to 20 yrs ago out of Nytex fabric and then glassed it over with epoxy. Placed the tank on...
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Windlass electrical problem.
      I cannot seem to delete this duplicate post. It is not needed.
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Windlass electrical problem.
      Check the wiring between the batteries and the windlass. Corroded connections , poor crimps of fittings , CLEAN connections , loose...
    • C lectric
      I agree about checking the deck fillers and the vent hose fittings. Reseal the deck fittings for the fillers and use O rings, lightly...
    • C lectric
      No one yet? I suggest phoning the mfgr. for some advice if not already done. I do wonder though if the heat is having difficulty...
    • C lectric
      C lectric replied to the thread Weaver pad repair.
      No one yet? I suggest you phone or email Weaver and ask them. If their glue is best then ask them if anyone stocking the glue is...
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