Official hello and freezer drawers

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Aug 29, 2020
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2003 Grand Banks Europa 52
Hi all. Michael here. I’ve been lurking in the shadows for
the last 3 years reading posts and learning but never posted anything.

I own a 2003 Grand Banks 52 Europa that I really enjoy. Except…. The Sub Zero freezer drawers that are trying my sanity. When I bought the boat 3 years ago, the freezer worked intermittently. It seemed like every time I changed power sources from dock to generator the freezer stopped. I could simply flip the breaker off and on and the freezer would start again. That eventually stopped working and I had a service person look at it. They threw parts at it with the exception of the circuit board, which is no longer available. I finally took the circuit board out myself and sent it to a board house and had them go through it, twice, and reinstalled it, twice and disassembled the entire freezer combing through it for problems many, many times, seemingly with different operational problem as the outcome each time! I even bought an identical board off eBay that was supposed to be new in the box (and appeared to be just that) and when I installed that I had yet a different problem.

Bottom line is, I’d like to replace the entire unit but nothing that size seems to be available that I’ve located, except possibly one by Summit. Sub Zero makes a unit that’s 3 inches narrower than the original but it’s on back order for a year. I was wondering if anybody had any unique ideas of how to solve my freezer drawer problem. I’m willing to do some teak work to get something else to fit.
Welcome aboard. Wish I could help but I am not familiar with any drawers like yours. Surprising that a company with Sub Zeros reputation can’t help.
Welcome to TF, and I'll now move your thread into an area likely to get more relevant exposure, and hopefully responses, to your specific issue. :flowers:
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