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Anybody members own, or personally know of, a Nordlund under approx 65'?

Yes they've made several under 65'. A few months ago I was alerted to a 57' about 12 years old for sale in Marina Del Ray. They made a 53'er aft cabin as I recall. Great builder and great boats based upon the few + 100'ers we are familiar with.
I believe there are two on yacht world under 65. Older models.
I just purchased a 61 nordlund in 2022
Congrats. Welcome to the Nordlund family!
Thanks been enjoying it. Not many Nordlund's here on the east coast. Nice to connect with someone who owns one.
My son does the metalwork for nordlund boats. Very talented guy.
My son does the metalwork for nordlund boats. Very talented guy.
We just had some metalwork done for the hardtop project. Very happy with all the work!
Thanks been enjoying it. Not many Nordlund's here on the east coast. Nice to connect with someone who owns one.
We own a 57 Nordlund built in 2007. Fantastic boat.


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I have a 63' 1993 Nordlund, love it, great boat, been Seattle to Alaska and Seattle to Northern BC many times (usually each summer). Owned for 12 years.
a couple of pics.


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