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    • DW1979OA
      DW1979OA replied to the thread Next Boat Recommendations.
      Check out Ocean Alexander Mk 1. They are 50 ft unless extended. Dock level entrance. Raised pilot house. Can fit your budget. I’ve had...
    • DW1979OA
      Getting back to your problem of being proactive and changing the impeller only to find things not working. I’ve been down that path...
    • DW1979OA
      DW1979OA replied to the thread Dragging Anchor.
      Thanks for the tip Luna. It was suggested as a good place to stop by a local guy from Pender Harbor that I met at Princess Louisa last...
    • DW1979OA
      DW1979OA replied to the thread Dragging Anchor.
      I’m just returning from a trip to Desolation Sound. Anchored in Buccaneer Bay on the way up. Probably 20 to 25 kts wind from the south...
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