New Member--Seattle

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Allan Reese

Jun 3, 2018
Vessel Name
Arctic Tern
Vessel Make
Kuipers 50
Greetings all

I signed up a half-year ago but haven't posted before. I live in the Seattle area and bought a trawler about a half-year ago. Like many of you I'm an xsailor but got to that age where running around on deck became more difficult and less prudent. Plus, living in the NW, the idea of a warm, dry pilothouse sounded wonderful when compared to driving in cold rain. Favorite cruising ground is SE Alaska and I hope to get up there, maybe this summer. We spent a summer there in our sailboat and had a wonderful time.

The Trawler Forum is great. My thanks to the founder.

Welcome aboard. What kind of boat do you have?
Welcome aboard TF
Welcome and what kind of “Trawler”?
Welcome. We are in Seattle as well. I grew up sailing off cape cod MA but nothing beats cruising the PNW. So much to see!
Welcome! Kingston is a favorite close by destination of mine! What kind of boat did you get? Yes, Alaska is fabulous!!
Welcome Allen. Didn't know there were any Kuipers Yachts in the NW. Excellent builder. Great yacht for SE Ak. Enjoy.
Welcome to the "Stink Pot" side of the house!!!
Welcome and Enjoy!

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