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    • IRENE
      IRENE reacted to Nomad 55's post in the thread Cap Horn 55 with Like Like.
      We think so, she has the fuel capacity, low consumption, built like a tank, yet beautiful and comfortable. We are exceptionally happy...
    • IRENE
      IRENE replied to the thread Cap Horn 55.
      She looks beautiful! Thanks for posting the update. Have you noticed reduced “heat load” in the salon/galley as a result of the shade...
    • IRENE
      IRENE reacted to ValhowellPower's post in the thread Moving to Power with Like Like.
      Hi. My wife and I live aboard a Beneteau Sense 51 in Socal. After careful consideration we are looking to convert to power. Most of...
    • IRENE
      IRENE replied to the thread MTU 8V183TE92 Engine questions.
      There seem to he a number of owners and crews posting about MTU on yachtforums. Additionally, is a treasure trove of...
    • IRENE
      IRENE reacted to ksanders's post in the thread Flybridge hard top with Like Like.
      Here is the finished product. The only thing left to do is fore them to turn the radar mount around and get it secured.
    • IRENE
      IRENE reacted to klee wyck's post in the thread Not an FPB... with Like Like.
      And she could be yours! I need her out of her slip by May to make room for DOMINO.
    • IRENE
      IRENE reacted to ksanders's post in the thread Our next cruise - Mexico to Alaska with Like Like.
      It's amazing how much life changes in just three short years. In 2021 I was a full timer on my Bayliner 4788 living in Seward Alaska...
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