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    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread Large Dogs Cruising the PNW.
      Here in the PNW, there are plenty of boaters that only stay in marinas while they are out cruising. Probably more common in the Salish...
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread Wipers?.
      Our single wiper is quit loud when on. Doesn't help that it's mounted below the overhead electronics dash, so it's "out in the open"...
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread Cheoy lee 46 Wanted!.
      These wonderful boats come up for sale every once in awhile. I believe Cheoy Lee only built around 24 of them, so they are semi-rare...
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread My Vacuflush head spits at me!.
      We fixed the same issue by replacing the old discharge hose (which resembled a 90% clogged artery!) with new Saniflex hose. Voila!
    • Moonfish
      Welcome aboard! Where in the islands are you? We lived on the west side of San Juan and in Friday Harbor for years.
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread Howdy!.
      :LOL: Good one, Dave! Welcome aboard, Curt!
    • Moonfish
      Welcome aboard!
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread Looking for PNW cruising group.
      There is also the Fidalgo Yacht Club in Anacortes. Agree with others, joining a local yacht club would be your best bet to gain quick...
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread New member, rookie sailor.
      Agree with psneeld, great summary post! In fact, it should be required reading for first time posters on TF!
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread New member, thanks!.
      Welcome aboard. If you're interested in any Cheoy Lee boat swapping... Just kidding! What is the name of your tequila? My wife and I...
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread 2024 Vendee Globe Shout-out.
      Those sailors are inspirational! Love following their adventures. We've had a couple of them on our podcast. We had Bruce Schwab, the...
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread New guy.
      Dark side, schmark side. Welcome to the Light Side! (As a former sailor, I'm allowed to say that... :giggle: )
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread Another new guy.
      Welcome aboard!
    • Moonfish
      Moonfish replied to the thread Books for a ground floor novice.
      It is admirable that you are wishing to learn as much as you can about piloting a trawler. However, I would say don't forget WHY you...
    • Moonfish
      This was my first thought as well.
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