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    • Pcpete
      Pcpete replied to the thread Cruising for Disabled Boaters.
      Maneuvering is always high stress relative to everything else except an emergency. That needs to be understood by all aboard. The...
    • Pcpete
      Pcpete replied to the thread Cruising for Disabled Boaters.
      I’m about the same as Sharpseadog, and use the same methods for getting around. The Admiral and I always wear our PFD’s and we always...
    • Pcpete
      Pcpete replied to the thread New Member from PNW.
      Welcome! First, I really like about any Grand Banks……until I have to get on or off. The Admiral and I are 75 and getting around is...
    • Pcpete
      Pcpete replied to the thread New (to me) GB 36 in Seattle.
      I suggest you look carefully at the different membership structures that clubs have and develop a mental format that you are comfortable...
    • Pcpete
      Did you increase the output of the alternator? If so, the battery wire is probably undersized and getting hot which cooks the voltage...
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