Jet skis?

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I vote for putting them all on the bottom of the sea. That's what you meant by "under water" correct?
you could always get one with a cargo trailer....

While the typical PWC can be annoying, close-by kayakers (five feet from the side of the boat) riding one's boat wave is unnerving.

If turning to starboard was a necessity, I presume I'd step out of the pitlothouse and yell/make visual signals in advance of my maneuver if there was time to do so.
"Smithy, That gazebo at the end of the dock is where I met my wife. Thanks for the memory!"

Looks like you are still close by so if you ever stop over to Northport the town dock is still the same. If you get there our daughter Danielle is the dockmaster for Northport and the town is even more active then in the past.
"Noisy, unpredictable, one was recently filmed attacking an osprey nest using the wake to break up the nest and drown the chicks."

The 4 stroke jet skis are very quite and likely you would not even know if they were running standing next to you. Like many things the jet ski is just another boat that is subject to the way the operator utilizes it While I agree that there are a number of jet ski operators that deserve to lose there privilege's of use we have also seen many other boaters that lack even the basic skills and courtesies to keep others safe - even a few trawlers over the years. Imagine that....
There are certainly operators of jet ski's who aren't enjoyable being around, but the same goes for most type boats. I don't like this condemning of something different than what you have. What if those of us with faster boats condemned all trawlers for blocking the routes and slowing us down? The water is for all of us and that includes PWC's where they are following both the laws and the rules of operation. We have loads of PWC's very near our home in an area set up for their use. PWC's allow some people to enjoy the water who otherwise couldn't, due to their low prices and rental availability. Then others just have fun on them. We don't own a PWC, but I think some of the attacks on them are quite inappropriate. It's no different than power vs. sail boat arguments. I do think some form of licensing for operation is appropriate as I believe it to be for all boats.
The behavior of PWCs is much different than trawlers in general. Trawlers have a destination or outing in mind while PWCs want to go fast and make 'fancy' maneuvers. Don't remember observing trawlers making erratic maneuvers like PWCs.
The behavior of PWCs is much different than trawlers in general. Trawlers have a destination or outing in mind while PWCs want to go fast and make 'fancy' maneuvers. Don't remember observing trawlers making erratic maneuvers like PWCs.

And who says PWC owners don't have a right to make fancy maneuvers and enjoy the water? Trawlers make plenty of erratic maneuvers just at very slow speeds. I just don't understand why we seem to have so many issues with sharing the water.
I expect fast and erratic movements from PWCs because of their very nature, and plan appropriately (high alert!).

I presume PWC operators are unfamiliar with COLREGs but operate under the rule of self-preservation (if sane and sober).

Erratic operators should realize that the burden to avoid collision is largely on them.
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I expect fast and erratic movements from PWCs because of their very nature, and plan appropriately (high alert!).

I presume PWC operators are unfamiliar with COLREGs but operate under the rule of self-preservation (if sane and sober).

Erratic operators should realize that the burden to avoid collision is largely on them.

I've seen some very responsible operators of PWC's who comply with every regulation.
Jet ski should be banned from any open water and just allowed in private lake. These are the most annoying things that can go above your head when diving. The strident sound it makes under water is just super annoying and disturbance.
And who says PWC owners don't have a right to make fancy maneuvers and enjoy the water? Trawlers make plenty of erratic maneuvers just at very slow speeds. I just don't understand why we seem to have so many issues with sharing the water.
Rejecting the claim that jetski operators behave responsibly,I can easily answer your "who says" question.
Here it`s The State Government. Jetskis are banned on Sydney Harbor.
I wish they were banned on southern waterways, and the Hawkesbury/Broken Bay system. There are examples of deliberate misconduct towards sailing and power vessels alike, even deliberate wash attacks on a yacht club and kids in dinghies. Demolishing the badly chosen nesting spot of the ospreys and drowning the chicks is the worst example.
Even a shark was moved to attack one in Queensland recently. Sharks generally get a bad rap, that one deserves a medal.
I've seen some very responsible operators of PWC's who comply with every regulation.

I agree that it is ALWAYS the operator, not the vehicle that creates issues.

Most of the time, I don't think the PWC operators have anymore idea about the Nav rules than most paddle boarders or kayakers. Unless of course they just came off a larger boat. The biggest issue for all PWC is that the operators just assume that the larger vessels are just as maneuverable as they are.

Summer weekends get really interesting in my home port. The Harbor has a very narrow entrance with some not insignificant currents during some tide changes. It is also shallow and the deep part of the channel makes an "S" curve. Folks not constrained by draft aren't away of this and can get in your way even as they think they are getting out of your way. The entrance has a nice beach on the point, which means lots of paddles craft heading to the beach, crossing the channel, right where lots of boats are heading in and out. It is a bit of a circus at times.

It is nice that I only draw 4.5' instead of the 7' that I used to draw in the sailboat, but it still can get interesting.


  • Gig Harbor entrance-1.jpg
    Gig Harbor entrance-1.jpg
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Mr. SemiR. Well, you may have your answer to your question by this time. Then again...

I agree that it is ALWAYS the operator, not the vehicle that creates issues.....
Doubtless that is right, save for the combination of wave hitting thump thump and exhaust noise.
It seems that here at least, in the main, the jetski attracts the wrong operator. I`m sure some behave well, recently a flotilla of around 20 operated with utter courtesy to other vessels, but they had a police escort. It can be unfair to generalize but, having seen the people who choose to ride jetskis, the problem chooses the jetski, rather than the other way around.
Perhaps some of this angst should be directed at the law enforcement community, and the seller/renter businesses ?? Citations for the operators or owners of reckless vehicles should be issued.

The PWC problem got out of hand here a while ago, but now there are laws that say wake speed only when within 150 feet of any boat, swimmer or dock...and never within 150 feet of any beach. Between the Coast Guard, City Harbormasters, Fish & Game, State Police and Sherriffs Dept, there's a lot of enforcement; in this area at least.
In Florida, it requires the same boating safety education id card with photo ID as any other motorized vessel for anyone under 22 years old. Also, no operating under the age of 14, and to rent one must be 18.

In our area of the ICW in Fort Lauderdale, there are many no wake and minimum wake areas. However, there are also five watersports activity areas which allow watersports activities such as jet skis and water skiing for all single engine boats under 21', so for all PWC's. The area in front of our home is one of those areas. We also have jet ski rentals not far from us. We see primarily responsible operation and the areas are well policed for any problems.
"And who says PWC owners don't have a right to make fancy maneuvers and enjoy the water? Trawlers make plenty of erratic maneuvers just at very slow speeds. I just don't understand why we seem to have so many issues with sharing the water."

When the "fancy maneuver" consists if charging at anchored boats to see what sort of spray can be shot aboard , or creating waves to jump off of in a quiet anchorage , thats enough.

A very simple solution is to fire our saluting cannon , the pricy black powder shells are loud enough for even the brain dead to notice.

Folks with no cannon can simply take apart polly line , 2 3 ft lengths , to the strands.

Tossed into the water they will disperse and when injested to a pump will trash the seals.

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"A very simple solution is to fire our saluting cannon , the pricy black powder shells are loud enough for even the brain dead to notice.
Folks with no cannon can simply take apart polly line , 2 3 ft lengths , to the strands.
Tossed into the water they will disperse and when injested to a pump will trash the seals."

FF - are your thoughts to use a canon in close proximity while in motion to get attention from obvious lawbreakers while ignoring the rest of the public in the area? Then purposely lay out pieces of poly line in the water where any watercraft (outboards, IO's inboards) would get fouled as well as adversely affecting any natural habitat/animals in the areas?
Then post your intended plan of action on the internet memorializing your thoughts on how to solve the problem with a small subset of problem boaters?
"In Florida, it requires the same boating safety education id card with photo ID as any other motorized vessel for anyone under 22 years old. Also, no operating under the age of 14, and to rent one must be 18."

Actually the same in NY where most (but not all) small craft jet ski operators are much more aware of the rules and their surroundings. On the other hand some of the 'older' boaters have not sourced any training over the years which leaves them unaware of some situational safety issues. We do have a very strong LEO presence which helps keep behavior to a reasonable level of rules but the problems they encounter are not often from jet skis. Being around them often and hearing of the detailed stories is rather eye opening.
I believe the proper spelling is jerk ski. I like to practice casting with a treble hooked Daredevil when they are in the neighborhood. You would not be a real popular item zipping around the mooring buoys at 40+ mph. Please, no. :facepalm:
You let law enforcement deal with those breaking the laws. I'm dismayed at some of the solutions some of you are mentioning and hope it's only internet talk and you really wouldn't do such things. Let's see, sailboaters think they should own the waters, no power boats..trawler owners now think they should own the waters, no other type boats.

Then you get upset when anchoring or disposal of waste laws are passed based on what a few of your brethren do. I don't complain about the anchorages near my house, nor the PWC's. I do complain about dangerous or illegal conduct, but I see very little of it by the PWC's near me. I know the rental companies issue stern warnings and law enforcement is quite active in our area.

When I read about firing cannons and tossing poly rope into the water, I should be shocked. I find those and other retaliatory suggestions disgusting. If you observe illegal activity, then report it to the correct people. In this day and time, you all have video capability on your phones, capture it.
I'm sure all of you were perfectly behaved when you were young. By your tones, it's clear that you never did anything that older persons might have found objectionable.
Regardless of all of the banter here...if the OP chose a Jet ski just make sure you read the manual as it applies to towing...if you plan on towing. Most have a water intake that can allow water to back flow into the heads if you tow above a certain speed or for a period of time.
Regardless of all of the banter here...if the OP chose a Jet ski just make sure you read the manual as it applies to towing...if you plan on towing. Most have a water intake that can allow water to back flow into the heads if you tow above a certain speed or for a period of time.

Yep....had to deal with and explain this every time I towed one...but pretty universal was that under 10 knots...not an issue...but still worth checking.

Like many things in life, the poor piece of equipment gets the bad name instead of the operator.

In the last 2100 miles of this winters trip, I have had far more jerks in other trawlers, other boats, other dingy owners at dingy docks, dock walkers, etc than from jet skiers.

Sounds like the old days with piling on by individuals that just don't like them than actually have a real beef with them.
I'm surprised at the intollerance here of a mechanical object. The complaints seem to be about recklessness and lack all means, complain about that behavior as it is unaccceptable..but not every jet ski operator is like that.
Sailboaters probably say the same thing about any powerboat that goes over 6 knots.

Ted is right... I get to hear about "you trawlers" throwing wakes wayyyy more than necessary from SOME sailboat owners. I'm suspecting responsible jetski operators have the same experience.

You're only alive once. The best thing about the water toys is that they can be had for lots less than retail by folks who find them less enchanting in the longer term.

Like sailing dinghies which are wonderful to think about and yet aren't sailed, or kayaks that never come off their racks, bicycles that never make it to shore... all of these things are Good Ideas that for some are more fun to own than operate.

Here's one having fun near where my friend was anchored a week or three ago:

Hey, I'm right there with you... life is to be enjoyed. If a PWC makes your heart sing buy one, or two! If you're right and they bring pleasure you've picked a winner. Have fun!
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But don't have fun being rude to other boaters. It seems to me jet skis bring out the worst in people. I've had then chase down my boat to jump the wake missing the swim platform by a few feet and then go in front of my bow to circle around and do it again. I've been anchored and had a bot with jet skis anchor 100 yards away and the littl boats would race around my boat.
But don't have fun being rude to other boaters. It seems to me jet skis bring out the worst in people. I've had then chase down my boat to jump the wake missing the swim platform by a few feet and then go in front of my bow to circle around and do it again. I've been anchored and had a bot with jet skis anchor 100 yards away and the littl boats would race around my boat.

In most states, jumping wakes of other boats is against the law. The biggest problem with Jet Skis is no one knows what to do with them. They serve no real purpose. So their purpose is invented ad hoc by the operator at that particular moment. Just my opinion/theory!!!

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