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    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
      We may not know until the raise the vessel. I am surprised that decision has already been made. I would think with remotes and divers...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
      Italian Airforce has confirmed it was a microburst.
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 reacted to psneeld's post in the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado with Like Like.
      One report I read said that it may have been a microburst instead of tornado/straight line winds so wind angle guesses could all be way off.
    • Benthic2
      A lot will depend on your cruising speed. More speed = more options.
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
      But as it lists more the righting moment of the keel keeps increasing and the "wronging" moment of the mast decreases. Well before 73...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
      114 square meters while upright. As soon as the vessel heels that area diminishes to zero before 90 degrees of heel. The keel was...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread SeaPiper.
      Another foot or two of beam and a traditional cabin and all of a sudden it is just another boat, indistinguishable from 75% of every...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
      but...but....without speculation, the internet might wither and die ???? From the previously linked CNN article: Announcing the probe...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
      Not much new info, other than the Italian Authorities are opening a manslaughter investigation...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
      The builder said she had 4 watertight compartments and could survive the flooding of 2 of them.
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Bikes for Boats - Jack Rabbit?.
      I know this will sound a bit tawdry, but there are times when the "buy cheap and replace frequently" approach reigns supreme. My...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Grounding Video.
      Doesn't this bother anyone else ? If you were on a lee shore and the mooring breaks, the boat goes out to sea and waves don't "crash on...
    • Benthic2
      I figure if an issue is discussed for 20+ years and no real concensus is achieved, its not a real thing. Sure, there may be a few...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Synthetic oil for diesel.
      So if you were going to change annaually, would you change when you haul out and let it sit with the fresh oil, or let it sit with the...
    • Benthic2
      Benthic2 replied to the thread Whales At Play - New Hampshire.
      I believe we are supposed to stay 100 yards away from them. The fact that there was a cluster of boats and cameras rolling when this...
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