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      sean9c replied to the thread Peeling and Cracking Fix.
      That makes sense. OA has lousy gelcoat. They gelcoat all the parts in the mold but then end up doing so much cutting and patching during...
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      sean9c replied to the thread Peeling and Cracking Fix.
      Grind it all back and start again.
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      sean9c replied to the thread her/his requirements.
      You need one of those Florida Coaster things
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      sean9c replied to the thread Moving from sailboat to Trawler.
      IMO the Ranger doesn't have the same build quality as the Nordic or American. So I'd go with one of those 2. It seems to me the American...
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      sean9c replied to the thread How often to start the engines?.
      It's hard to get an engine up to operating temperature without putting a load on it. That's hard to do in the slip. I've often wondered...
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      I'd be cautious about the boat with Volvos until I understood about parts and service availability. I'd not own any older boat with teak...
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      sean9c replied to the thread Steering line leaking.
      Maybe that's my fault. I looked at the picture and saw what I thought was a flare connector. Likely because my thought was that using a...
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      sean9c replied to the thread Steering line leaking.
      Well I'm pretty sure that's not a compression fitting, it's a flare fitting. If you want to try something to try and stop it leaking the...
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      sean9c replied to the thread Steering line leaking.
      Well if it's a flare fitting, and that's what it looks like, you won't be able to replace the nuts, since you can't get them past the...
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      sean9c replied to the thread pad paper for epoxy work.
      and when rolling on epoxy I line my roller tray with tin foil, it's a lot cheaper than plastic tray liners
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      sean9c replied to the thread pad paper for epoxy work.
      Never heard of pad paper before. I use plastic, cut up a trash bag or buy rolls of film. I'd not use wax paper, just don't like the idea...
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      sean9c replied to the thread pad paper for epoxy work.
      What is pad paper?
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      sean9c replied to the thread Balmar Regulators.
      This seems to be the flavor of the month. It sounds interesting.
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      Dolphinite is a bedding compound, this is not the right application
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      Just use the same TDS caulk. You want the same result, it sticks to the teak and stays flexible, so use the same product. Reefing out...
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