Hello to Trawler Fourm

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2021
Vessel Name
Ethos of the T
Vessel Make
26 Sedan Tollycraft
I have been boating all my life, however only in runabouts. My wife and I purchased a 1974 Tollycraft 26 Sedan last year and moor it at Gates of the Mountains outside of Helena, MT. Our first cabin cruiser and we both love it and plan on becoming a part-time Liveaboard when we retire.

This is a great forum and I have already learned a lot.

Chris and Barbara Hartsfield
Welcome aboard! I checked out where you moor the Tolly, and that's some pretty spectacular scenery. How far are you able to go on that waterway?
Welcome aboard. We need photos of your new baby.
Welcome aboard! I checked out where you moor the Tolly, and that's some pretty spectacular scenery. How far are you able to go on that waterway?

It is a total of about 20 miles one way. It is beautiful and cheap. It is on the Missouri River and opens up to a lake.

Howdy, you will soon outgrow your fish bowl, I think. Got larger plans after that?

At bottom of the reply box, click Go Advanced. There you'll see manage attachments, and the rest should be self explanatory.
Howdy, you will soon outgrow your fish bowl, I think. Got larger plans after that?

At bottom of the reply box, click Go Advanced. There you'll see manage attachments, and the rest should be self explanatory.

Hey Rich,

Once we start boating in the PNW we will likely get a larger boat, especially when we start our part-time live aboard. Pretty much decided on a trawler.

Can’t wait!

Hey figured out how to add photos.



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