Great Lakes chart suggestions

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Aug 6, 2017
United States
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What are you all using for paper charts on the Great Lakes?

I see lots of chart books...and plenty of large paper charts.

The last time I thought about this was when I was 9, and I was being taught how to use the LORAN-C on my Dad's boat, and also how to use paper charts. I'll have electronics for sure.....but I should have real charts too....right?

I've largely been a small lakes and rivers boater the last 30 years, and this hasn't been a concern of mine.

We will primarily be on Lake Superior, but as I get smarter...longer trips will happen.

I'd love hearing what works for you!

I'm old school and most times cruising like to have paper charts for any/ all "near shore" cruising. I am talking primarily about Great Lakes / St Lawrence & Canada / NY canals.
I have a few LG paper charts for areas of importance / frequent travels, Richardson chart books for large areas. I have / borrow charts for Rideau, TSW and Georgian Bay inland route.
Use is always in addition to electronic charts and frequently my admiral consults paper while I am following display.
I usually plan routes ahead of time on paper and upload waypoints & routes to my GPS/MFD.
Richardson style books are challenging to plot courses from when course lines span multi pages but I have made due but do double check what the resulting route looks like after uploading to GPS.
I consider the pre-planning part of the enjoyment of cruising and feel I have a better picture of my routes having worked on paper vs just plugging waypoints on a screen.
I have used Great Lakes Cruising Club material and think their info is very valuable especially when exploring new areas.
I have used Great Lakes Cruising Club material and think their info is very valuable especially when exploring new areas.

Thanks! I just joined last week. Want to refer me...or have me put you down? They asked for one but I had found them somehow from something someone said on TF before...just can't remember who!

Also, love your www site about your boat! I may try to build something similar. Simple, and useful!
We enjoyed using the Richardson’s Chart Books when we were there, particularly the Lake Huron edition for the North Channel. That was our back up, and the plotter was primary.
Thanks! I just joined last week. Want to refer me...or have me put you down? They asked for one but I had found them somehow from something someone said on TF before...just can't remember who!

I'm not a member but thanks.
My brother was and connected me, many yrs ago, with Rich Barzak (sp?) the recent Commodore. I loaned him TSW charts and then borrowed his Georgian Bay inland small craft charts when we cruised GB in 2019. Details in the Bacchus website.
We keep Richardson's Lake Superior at the helm. I mean it has your marina on the cover - how can it be bad!? :lol::thumb:

We refer to it for big picture when we're around the Apostle Islands, but not really for navigation. But when we're on longer cruises we use it to periodically track our position in case electronics were to go down.

When we were on Lake Michigan and Huron we borrowed paper charts from the delivery captain that got us to Sturgeon Bay. But honestly the first day when we crossed Michigan we were so excited / nervous that we forgot to pull them out. We laughed (nervously) about it that night...

i have many charts [Too many to list ] they covering Lake Ont.Geo. St Lawrence River Rideau River Trent system Inter coastal to Fla, as well as some guide books
I have retired from boating and no longer have a use for them all of them are for sale
Bert cell 416 431 4493 email
Great Lakes Chart Suggestions

We utilize the Richardson's and have a Waterway Guide and Ports of call, mainly Richardson's, but these are only a back-up. I rely on my chartplotter, which I run from a laptop and have INavx installed on both my phone and tablet and check these periodically to ensure everything is in sync.
As far as the GLCC (Great Lakes Cruising Club), what is really beneficial are the Harbor Reports. You really can't use these for Navigating, but for looking for great anchorages/harbors/marinas and what is or is not available in each place they are GREAT. I have lived my entire life on the Great Lakes and have done most of my boating on Lake Michigan so pulling out paper charts or even the chart books are only done when explaining to my wife what we are looking at and where we are in relation to what we see.
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