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    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Heat exchanger gasket.
      The gaskets are readily available from after market resources. Measure the size of the exchanger cap and order based on the diameter...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Heat exchanger gasket.
      I have a Yanmar 4LHA STP which has an exchanger that is the same or similar in design to the photo of the exchanger that you posted. The...
    • BB-marine
      I watched a Will Prowes Youtube video reviewing a WattCycle 12V 300AH LiFePO4 battery. During the testing he questioned the AH capacity...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Yanmar Cooler service.
      I have a Yanmar 4LHA STP. It has the same designed coolers has the 6LYA STP. The raw water side of each cooler, engine coolant...
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    • BB-marine
      This is an interesting thread. I did not know that the insurance premium was based on a percentage of the value of the boat. I know...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread WTB a Trailerable Trawler/Tug.
      You may have not read my previous post #26. It talks about this in a real experience not an opinion. I tried to tow with a Tahoe, same...
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    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Rudder leak.
      There are several different rudder designs and installs. The glands can be different designs too. Without seeing the install and type...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread WTB a Trailerable Trawler/Tug.
      Hey Bobby, It's been a while! It appears that your move up in boat size was not 2 foot-itis it was 20 foot-itis! Nice looking vessel. I...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread WTB a Trailerable Trawler/Tug.
      I Purchased a 26' Cutwater new 2016. It was powered by a 220 Hp Volvo Penta D3. Before purchasing the Cutwater we looked at R25 SC...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Bonding Bow Thruster.
      Aluminum alloy anodes are slightly more negative compared to zinc alloy anodes in salt water. I read that aluminum alloy anodes work...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Bonding Bow Thruster.
      The thruster manufacture does not want the thruster bonded. The thruster manufacture specifies a anode to protect the thruster only...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Prop puller tools.
      I have used this style puller in the past. It works good. It is called a scissor puller. It works best on 3 blade props. It is more...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread DC to DC Charging.
      I may be misunderstanding your question. If so explain a bit more of your upgrade. What type of batteries are you using for your starter...
    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Prop puller tools.
      I'm not a fan of the prop knocker. It works ok if the prop is pulled seasonally or if it is a small shaft bore prop like a ski boat. As...
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    • BB-marine
      BB-marine replied to the thread Amperage push or pull?.
      The ACR will not work. You need to connect the ACR to a battery. A 12Volt battery. I'm don't know the voltage of the battery installed...
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