Dorian aims for East Coast of Florida

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yeah. One reason I wanted to go so I could document the damages. Don’t want to rely on others to document stuff.

You do what you can and the adjusters will be in touch. You'll be able to tell if the interior was filled with water and if it was you'll have a totaled boat. Engines, wiring, electronics will do it.

I think one of two things will happen in regard to your boat. 1-You'll arrive, see how much water came in and over it, see the condition of everything and say it's totaled or 2-You'll arrive and be shocked at how good it looks and find out those around it didn't seem to get covered by salt water either, and figure on a relatively moderate claim if only you can get it back to the water. Of course that's necessary to check the boat and engines anyway. I think you'll know within your first five minutes there what you have and what you need to do.
Strange that the mast snapped. Maybe the sail furled out and stressed it. I had the jib off but not the main. Guess I should have tied it the main down better. It was an in mast fuerling sail.

That’s kind of depressing. Didn’t. Expect the mast to be broken.

Sorry for any damage but now you can do the loop.

Well, I didn't expect to get a laugh out of any part of this thread, but here we are. Thanks for making me feel like a jerk Irv! Honestly, I found those pics of your boat to be really encouraging. She's still upright, there aren't any boats or other big chunks of debris leaning on her. It looks like there's a fair chance that she'll just need a new mast and rigging. It's impossible to tell from here of course, but it sure looks like she might have gotten off light. Definitely could have been a lot worse.
You folks may want a read of this.

I took two things from it that is worth highlighting.

First: "The security detail is ashore securing the Harbour so that we can deposit our remaining provisions."

Secondly: "Ran the tender to Hope town it is totally flattened. People are in good spirits and coming together as a community. We had the tender full of food and water and they didnt need it."

For anyone thinking of going over there - they put a security detail ashore first - think of that. This is not the Abaco that you last left.

Hope Town, so named because American Loyalists in the US went there in the hope that Britain would win the war of Independence. They have a long lineage of self survival.[0]=68.ARDeSUg4Aw2bbiA6R19CVeWeBnMz9tBbJ7i0yEggThQGd8XOleibKcZrJV3N3aO6Ecjfrtdk3Dh7Jf2jy5NPyYB0QQ5gE81lmSYeeuzZtiBrSX-ASlUpWoTy-CahXFvT6s5iz_lHF5NEB0poh44RGvxS_2tUgVPXYLmXSYs4nQoVwlH09YfKJM1y24cd1pKr4k-ulpfYVgppoJaVsiJ8FoMNjQgOp0iRtFbzyp48nk6E9GC2uG_JxFz7CDHGGw4C_JyPpw2OAkIsYj7hYlX8GsMcHSbT6OWOfNGjcWMIUXWbCOey1x91MYaNtW8mNzYBJArNKzMUurvOPg8dvaDhLIwhfO9GUOSiQs7Q3dZ0-zrqwcU&__tn__=kCH-R
"Don’t see my new outboard."

That may have "flown" before the breeze got there.
Getting sporty here just inland from Wrightsville Beach. Strong rain band just came over and could hear a steady roar, could have been a tornado somewhere in the mix. It's quieted down now.

Going to be a long day...
Getting sporty here just inland from Wrightsville Beach. Strong rain band just came over and could hear a steady roar, could have been a tornado somewhere in the mix. It's quieted down now.

Going to be a long day...

Watched that band go over you on on radar. Most of the strong storm/tornado activity seems to be around you/WiIlmington. Sorry to say it will probably get worse before better in your area. Hang in there.
"Don’t see my new outboard."

That may have "flown" before the breeze got there.

A lot more looting goes on right before the storms hit, than afterwards. I lost an outboard like that.
Looks like the 5am NOAA forecast has the storm's track a little further West with landfall over Hatteras, NC likely. We're in a tropical storm warning zone now for the lower half of Chesapeake bay. Spider webbed the boat yesterday in preparation for winds. The floating dock looks to have about 8' or so of high tide capacity. Probably not going to get but a couple feet of high water, but NE storm winds push the water around in strange ways in the Chesapeake. Time to wait and watch.

Looks like the 5am NOAA forecast has the storm's track a little further West with landfall over Hatteras, NC likely. We're in a tropical storm warning zone now for the lower half of Chesapeake bay. Spider webbed the boat yesterday in preparation for winds. The floating dock looks to have about 8' or so of high tide capacity. Probably not going to get but a couple feet of high water, but NE storm winds push the water around in strange ways in the Chesapeake. Time to wait and watch.


Are you in Crisfield now Ted? The Chesapeake can be an odd and harsh place at times. Beyond what many who haven't spent much time on it may think.
We left our place on the Trent just west of New Bern proper yesterday afternoon. Surge now calculated as 6 feet, it was over double that for Florence and we still had a few feet to go. Worry as then is falling trees and power loss. We will get some impacts here on Lake Gaston but less than half the rain and wind predicted for New Bern.

The Whaler is in a dry stack at Morehead City which has held up OKin prior storms. The yards in the area have pulled all the big boats they can fit.

Luck be a lady tonight!
Had three tornadoes touch down this morning between 4 and 8 a.m, within a mile of the marina that I'm at in Little River, South Carolina. Hope the hurricane stays at least 75 miles offshore.
Had three tornadoes touch down this morning between 4 and 8 a.m, within a mile of the marina that I'm at in Little River, South Carolina. Hope the hurricane stays at least 75 miles offshore.

Which marina?

There are tornados popping up all over the east cost now. This storm is crazy.
The 8am update. Also look at the radar from Charleston - this thing is heading 15 degrees. It is right by Charleston now. Myrtle Beach/Bald Head Island seems to be in the cross hairs.

LOCATION...32.1N 79.3W
Sadly, the sandy Caribbean Islands and the equally sandy Atlantic east coast have been shaped and shattered by millions of hurricanes. It will not stop until the land masses move around to block the flow of the Gulf Stream.

This is of no solace to the residents who live in this vast area getting pummeled every year. Whether sturdier homes, living elsewhere, choosing a different lifestyle or relocating to a safer boating locale the answers don't come easy for those affected.

One thing for sure and tragic to read, TF and other websites will be busy every year with hurricane based real world damage and loss of life. Mother Nature keeps us all busy whether hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, avalanches or seismic events.

It is heartening to read of the many different rescue and aid groups rising up. I note Bradford Marine is putting together a major effort. Kudos to Yacht Broker Guy.
Which marina?

There are tornados popping up all over the east cost now. This storm is crazy.
Lots of small tornados are typical in these storms. but not often talked about tlill they start causing more damage than anything else.
The Abaco mast in perspective:

'Total devastation' in Abaco | The Tribune

“It’s total devastation,” HeadKnowles founder Lia-Head Rigby told the Associated Press yesterday. “It’s decimated. Apocalyptic. It looks like a bomb went off. It’s not rebuilding something that was there; we have to start again.”

Oh definitely. I know I’ve got it good, and I obviously came out well compared to most around here. I’m just crying in my beer. My loss is just the (calculated) risk of me trying to enjoy myself, so when put into that perspective it seems pretty silly to agonize over it. Thanks for reminding me.

I sure hope this storm doesn’t cause much more damage for those on the east coast, and I feel for you folks. This thing has done enough damage.

Speaking of enjoying ourselves, I ran across these song lyrics today. From the song Enjoy Yourself.'s_Later_than_You_Think)

“You work and work for years and years, you're always on the go

You never take a minute off, too busy makin' dough

Someday, you say, you'll have your fun, when you're a millionaire

Imagine all the fun you'll have in your old rockin' chair

Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think

Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink

The years go by, as quickly as a wink

Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it's later than you think”
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Skinny Dippin' is hurricane tied just down river from New Bern. The marina is a hurricane hole, but received a great deal of damage during Florence. We had the option, and reservations, to haul out at Jarrett Bay, but opted to stay put 30 miles inland. I think it was the right call and it looks like the Morehead/Beaufort area is going to take a direct hit. Still, one thing we have in our favor is that, unlike Florence, this storm will be moving at a pretty good clip when it arrives. 10-15mph by current forecasts. That works out to be, without factoring in any more weakening from interaction with land, that the areas in the direct path will only see the worst conditions for a few hours. While the water in the Neuse will come up, it won't stay there long.

Surprisingly, I am not as worried about the boat as much for this storm as I have been in the past. The marina is staffed with experienced hands that will tend the lines as water raises and lowers, so I think she will be fine. Of course, I worry that some of the OTHER boats could be a problem since not everyone cares as much to come down and prep for storms. But what can ya' do?

We will update you after it passes.
The 11am update. Right off Charleston and, worryingly, still to the SW of north Carolina, Bald Head, Southport etc. The Wilmington Radar is attached showing exactly where it is.

They are also now showing it back to a hurricane all the way to Halifax.

LOCATION...32.5N 79.1W


The Tropical Storm Warning has been extended northward to Fenwick
Island, Delaware, and also extended northward in the Chesapeake Bay
to Drum Point, including the Tidal Potomac River south of Cobb

The center of Dorian is expected to move very near or over the
coastline of the Carolinas and the southern Mid-Atlantic states.
Residents of these areas should already be prepared for damaging
winds, life-threatening storm surges, and flooding rains.
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Oh definitely. I know I’ve got it good, and I obviously came out well compared to most around here. I’m just crying in my beer. My loss is just the (calculated) risk of me trying to enjoy myself, so when put into that perspective it seems pretty silly to agonize over it. Thanks for reminding me.

Nothing wrong with crying in your beer. Just because others have it worse, doesn’t mean that retrieving and fixing your boat won’t be a trial. Survivors guilt is normal, but still unnecessary.
Getting a little sporty here now, around the N end of Wrightsville Beach on mainland side of ICW. Meaty rain band. Been some reports of tornados. I think I heard one about 8AM, but it was at least somewhat distant.

Radar is showing eye abt 20nm from Chas, looks like it is going to brush G-town and Myrtle, then go right up my a$$. Cape Fear Hurricane Funnel.

Radar image of the eye do seem to have less convection around it, so maybe it will not be too strong, but could be a shaded return. Hoping. Going to be a long day.
We’re jumping in the plane and heading down to Daytona tomorrow afternoon.
I called the marina and they are getting themselves up and running today. They said there’s a lot of tree small tree branches down but no damage that they know if. They are going to walk the docks today and survey the boats. If someone has damage, they’ll call the owner this afternoon.

We’re planning on taking the boat out with some family this weekend. Also going to do Sea World.

BobbyP, want me to check on your boat tomorrow evening?
So I’m sitting on my boat that is safe in the Miami River thinking about how strange and unpredictable life is. My boat is in the one area I would consider the most dangerous for hurricanes but now I’m worried for my friends like Ted, Scott and Ski who I thought they were safe from hurricanes. I wish I could do something for them but what? My prayers and heart go out to all my brothers that have themselves and assets in harms way.

Be safe.
<<<<<<< Originally Posted by Steve91T
I’m in Myrtle Beach right now. Place is dead. The hotel is only open for us right now and they are closing up as soon as we leave in a couple of hours. I get that you don’t want to wait too long but it’s still a long ways away.

MCO closed last night. That’s completely unnecessary. >>>>>>

"MCO closed last night. That’s completely unnecessary."

How much notice do you think would be required to shut down an airport like this for equipment, staff and passengers?
What minimum lead time to make the decisions?

This is one of my Pet Peeves. Closing down airports when it's absolutely unnecessary, as was Orlando. And they close both MCO and ORL (executive).

At NO time, was the weather at the airport OR the forecast weather for Orlando so bad that it was not flyable.

This is clearly a knee jerk reaction of some politician that doesn't know anything about flying. And, often, airports are closed by the owner (often a county or city that is run by beaurocrats, not aviation folks. Even the airport manager is often not an aviator and they can close it.

Granted, if you need to restrict operations that require security or airport services, they will have to be restricted... most likely airline operations. But even closing them early is not appropriate.

And there's general aviation, corporate aviation and military that can certainly operate without all the services that airlines require... let THEM decide when to fly or not.

Had this same knee jerk reaction with my local airport during Irma a few years ago. They closed the airport because it was owned by the county and the county commissioners made the decision to close early which was equally as stupid as above. After closing the next 36 hours the airport was clear and light winds and operations could have easily been conducted.

I called the head of the commission and got her to send the Sheriff down to unlock the gate on the next day so I could fly two of us out of harms way and keep my plane from getting caught in a possible flood, as Irma was a Cat 4 at that time. My flight didn't impact anyone and was super simple.

This year was different and the commissioners got the message and allowed the airport to be open under much more reasonable terms.

There's would be nothing wrong with just leaving ALL airports open and let the pilot and/or dispatcher make their own decisions.

It also works well in bringing in help and supplies after a storm where a plane can get in quite often many times faster than any other transportation.

..... off my soap box.
There's would be nothing wrong with just leaving ALL airports open and let the pilot and/or dispatcher make their own decisions.

But what about all of the people that WORK at the airport? The pilots and dispatchers get to make the decision that the ticket counter agents, baggage handlers, check point guards, restaurant workers, facilities staff, and gate agents don't get to evacuate?
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