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    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      I watched that too, and I also have graphite packing, however i have had it for half a decade. Also was it hypothesized that it's only a...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      Thanks for all the responses, I didn't know this thread was still going. I got sidetracked with other things. And now this is back to #1...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      I actually misspoke. It was the hose barbs on both sides of the a/c strainer. So no they weren't in bilge water
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      The corrosion reference annode instructs to connect the other probe to the "vessels main dc ground". If I connect to the shunt for the...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      The inverter chasis ground routes to a bus bar with about 15 green 120v wires in the electrical closet. It's impossible to visually...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      Basically i'm assuming im gonna have to devote the next few months of my life to finding a needle in a haystack -- something i miswired...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      I have 1600w of solar. i have an old xantrex inverter that is on 24/7. 120v chest freezer. 12v fridge. This is why I was inquiring...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      It has an on board charger that i plug in to ext cord from trawler inverted 120v only occasionaly until skiff house is topped. But for...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      If i dangle a positive multimeter probe in trawler bilge water with negative clamped to 12v ground, i get about .25v dc. However when i...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      I was actually wo dering if there is a good way to check the bikge water for voltage? The reference annode says its important not to get...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      Skiff outboard to trawler anchor chain = 75ft
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      A couple more questions: 5. If i install on/off switches on my skiff house & start batteries, and turn off when not in use, will that...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      I have a portable gas generator, that was getting maybe 6 hrs a week in the late summer. But now basically 0 hrs a week. I think the...
    • E
      ERTF replied to the thread Stray Current Corrosion?.
      Saltwater. When you say a/c, you are speaking of air con (not alternating current), correct? One thing I can say is i obviously still...
    • E
      I have discovered what seems to be a bad case of stray current corrosion. I'm hoping you guys can help me narrow down the haystack a...
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