Do I need Windshield wipers?

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Senior Member
Oct 5, 2007
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49ft Custom Power Catamaran
I have a power catamaran with a serious forward rake on the windshields and an 18-inch brow over the main 3 forward windows. I have only taken water over the bow once and am really serious about avoiding those types of conditions again. Recent survey found no issue with their absence. Does anyone think the lack of wipers is a safety issue in this case? Thank you for your input.
I have a power catamaran with a serious forward rake on the windshields and an 18-inch brow over the main 3 forward windows. I have only taken water over the bow once and am really serious about avoiding those types of conditions again. Recent survey found no issue with their absence. Does anyone think the lack of wipers is a safety issue in this case? Thank you for your input.


My charter boat didn't have wipers and spray to moderate water, on the windows was maybe one out of every three days. Boat ran 75 to 100+ days a year for 20 years like that.

It's pretty easy to see when it's time to reapply. In your case throw some water at the windows every week or so. Driving into the rain will also be very telling.

A 20 knot wind will cover your windshield with rain. Then add fog on top of the mist and rain. In the log strewn PNW waters good visibility is paramount.
Yup, fog mist can blind you in the most complete way.
99% will be just fine 99% of the time. I didn’t have wipers on one trip from LA to Seattle. I used rain X and I had a fresh water rinse with 300 gallons of fresh water. We had 20-30 kts on the bow quarter. As long as the waves broke on deck the windows were self cleaning. The problem came as wind levels dropped. The windows got misted heavily and we couldn’t keep them clean even with the fresh water.

Now in the end we made it so one vote for no wipers. On the other hand once in Seattle I moved wipers to the top of the list so one vote for wipers.

I can’t say that you need wipers. I can only say I don’t want to go through that again.
Thank you all for the replies. I failed to mention that while in the PNW I cleaned and applied Rain-X frequently. I also had a 50K BTU hydronic heater with ample blowers to the front 3 windows. Recently left the PNW and will be heading to the SOC this fall so I think I will hold off on the installation.
I removed the wiper and apply Rain-X with very good results.
With forward raked windshields you'll certainly need them a lot less than those of us with raked back windshields. But as others mentioned, you may still find yourself wishing for them in wind driven rain or misty rain / fog.
Thank you for starting this thread. It reminds me I need to replace the wiper blade on our boat! Just a single wiper on the center pilothouse window. We don't need the wiper a lot, but when we do I'm thankful we have it. Except the last few years I go to use it and the worn out blade just smears the water (and I kick myself for forgetting to replace it!), which is still better than not being able to see at all...
My boat project had a broken wiper motor on it when I first got it.
I asked myself the same question. "Do I really need to get a new one?"
I ordered one online and replaced it before its first splash.

That summer, we were on our way back to the marina after a trip and the rain came down. I *needed* it then. I only used it one time that summer. But the one time I needed it I was glad I had it.
Bull Duram tobaco.

Get it in a pouch and wet it a bit then w just a bit of pressure wipe the outside of the windshield. I did this in the 60’s in college w a 56 VW beetle. The windshield wiper motor failed. $20 was a bit of money then. Works quite well.
You don't need them until you do. By asking you feel you do. If you are handy they can be inexpensive and easy to install, personal experience. Nice boat. Definitely yes.
You need windshield wipers if you operate in rain, fog or heavy seas where waves splash over the bow and hit the windshield.
No one has mentioned mist. On multiple occasions it’s not raining nor is there significant fog but rather it’s misty. As you move forward it collects on the glass and obscures vision. Even if you have fans and heat aimed at the glass vision is obscured as a film is left. A quick squirt of windscreen fluid and a wipe clears it. Rain X doesn’t prevent it.
Other situation is in chop. No green water coming at you but rather a salty mist is thrown up and you proceed into that mist. When it dries a white residue is left. Or streaks of gunk are left. Again a squirt and a wipe clears vision. Have found this most common when it’s a cold morning then a warm afternoon and you’re on a long run.
Our old boat had vertical pilothouse windows. I kept the windows clean and typically applied rainX two of three times a year. It had no wipers and I never missed them. The key is to keep them clean, no water spots or dirt and rainx. Ran in mist,fog,light rain,spray, day and night. I think the reverse raked windows shed water better as wind pressure helps push the water down.

Rain X is all you need. It lasts way longer on forward raked windows between application as they are not exposed to the UV as much.

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