SF to Monterey - How far offshore?

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Oct 15, 2016
Vessel Name
Speedy Charlotte
Vessel Make
Beneteau Swift Trawler 44
Just curious, for those of you who have made the trip, how far offshore do you usually travel? I know it also depends on the boat, so in my case, it would be a 44 foot semi-displacement trawler with a Class B rating. I know a lot of this has to do with avoiding near shore hazards like rocks, traps, etc., so curious what people have done.

I know a lot of people who go way off shore, but we didn't when we ran up the coast. I doubt we were ever more than 10nm off. Depth helps minimize crab and other floats.
I haven't made the trip, but I'll add:

Depth (and a flat bottom) also minimises the chance of breaking waves. It may "feel" safer to be close to shore, but often the opposite is true.
50 to 100 miles....

Good way to make a short trip long.

Why not turn south at the end of GG's shipping channel?

Cruise ships turn south long before the Farallones which are about 25 miles outside the Gate.
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Just curious, for those of you who have made the trip, how far offshore do you usually travel? I know it also depends on the boat, so in my case, it would be a 44 foot semi-displacement trawler with a Class B rating. I know a lot of this has to do with avoiding near shore hazards like rocks, traps, etc., so curious what people have done.

I don't feel the need to be any more than 5 miles offshore. Frequently I am closer in than that. However, I do recommend going to the end of the shipping channel (buoys 1 & 2) before turning south so that you avoid the south shoal as you exit the Golden Gate. This will also keep you well clear of Ocean Beach - a good thing.

Don't see ant advantage of going very far off shore. The water on the west coast gets deep quickly and there are few shoals or crab pots. The private fishing boats operate in shallower water one to two miles out. I travel about five miles and sometimes closer to the points.

Depends on the weather, time, etc.
The main point of running offshore is to avoid large. steep ground swells caused by large ocean swells entering shallower water. If the weather is fine, low wind, low swells then there's no point in traveling offshore. When making a longer passage, offshore running usually pays off because a number of different sea and weather conditions may be expected. Especially north of SF.
Former commercial fisherman
When we ran from Seattle to Stockton we tried to stay in a 50 fathom depth to avoid the crab pots. We still encountered a few, but nowhere near as many as you would find in shallower water.

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