New - TF Port Captain Feature Announcement and How To

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Site Team
Nov 20, 2014
Vessel Name
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MS 34 HT Trawler
TF Port Captain Feature

Trawler Forum (TF) is initiating a new Port Capt feature that allows members to volunteer as a Port Capt and also provides a search function to return a list of volunteer Port Capts by Country, State/Province and City. Credit where due… Menzies got the ball rolling with a recent post and several members expressed support and willingness to volunteer as a Port Capt. The site team has reviewed the request and several approaches and is implementing the following Port Capt feature:


TF members will note some new and revised fields, in our User Profiles, that are used by this function. Volunteers will need to access their profiles (via the link below or User CP on the top banner) to review and update the applicable fields:

The link to update your profile details (and check this option) is here:[/B]

Port Capt - Check box that confirms you are volunteering and is used by the search function
Checking this option affirms your willingness to help out other members as a Local Port Guide, providing local knowledge and other support as able or willing. This might include offering shuttle services for provisioning or emergency repairs, offering knowledge about local services and anchorages, or even meeting up with visiting members at a local spot for a meet and greet. This is an entirely voluntary activity and members may choose how much time they spend or whom they guide.
O YesO No

Country – Used in the search function
State / Province - Select your State / Province as applicable
City - Nearest city to "port / area"
Port / Area - area covered as a Port Capt – Describe the area you are familiar with and/or willing to provide assistance.
Don't forget to Scroll and Save when edits are finished.

As a volunteer it is up to you to decide what assistance and services you are willing to provide.
Some things to consider are listed below:

1.Provide "local knowledge" - for things like marinas, anchorages, restaurants, attractions, services, supplies, repairs, etc, etc
2.Meet & Greet - willing to meet TF members for social activities
3.Shuttle Service(s) - willing to shuttle visitors for provisioning, supplies, etc
4.Emergency Services - willing to assist those in an emergency with shuttle, repair recommendations, etc

Volunteer Port Capt's can use the Profile Comments portion of the User Profile to add a commentary regarding areas you are familiar with and services you are willing to provide.

Note: The Port Capt position and use of the TF Port Capt search feature is strictly voluntary and a way of connecting members with volunteers. Trawler Forum or Social Knowledge provides no screening, recommendation nor endorsement of volunteer(s) or users.

Searching for Port Captains
Members seeking info or assistance should search the area of interest and contact the volunteer Port Capt via TF Personal Message (PM).
The members list is sortable here:
Just enter the Country, State/Province and select Yes for the Port Capt option then scroll down and Search. If the returned list is long you can narrow it down by including City and/or Port

[EDIT] A Second Search Option has been added
You will notice a drop down tab on the right column of the TF page that reads "Trawler Port Captains" simply select the tab and a quick search form will drop down.

On behalf of the Site Team
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Great idea! I am in!!

Can a form be set up so those of us that will be Port Cap't can:

1. Show services you are willing to provide.

2. Cap't Position (map?)

3. PM tab

4. Only TF folks can access

5. What ever other information would be helpful

So how far off am I?
Great idea! I am in!!
Can a form be set up so those of us that will be Port Cap't can:
1. Show services you are willing to provide.
2. Cap't Position (map?)
3. PM tab
4. Only TF folks can access
5. What ever other information would be helpful
So how far off am I?

Some of what you mention is already there...
The search results include volunteer TF user name that is a clickable link to their user profile with more details and a clickable link to PM
I'd suggest we see how this evolves and the number of volunteers and frequency of use before making additions / enhancements.

Rather than try to make this too fancy at the start I'd suggest using a profile comment (see an example I posted on mine) as a way to elaborate on what / where you are willing to provide. At least IMO I'm thinking some of this will vary based on time avail, etc so maybe best to handle on a case by case?

Some of what you mention is already there...
The search results include volunteer TF user name that is a clickable link to their user profile with more details and a clickable link to PM
I'd suggest we see how this evolves and the number of volunteers and frequency of use before making additions / enhancements.

Rather than try to make this too fancy at the start I'd suggest using a profile comment (see an example I posted on mine) as a way to elaborate on what / where you are willing to provide. At least IMO I'm thinking some of this will vary based on time avail, etc so maybe best to handle on a case by case?


Thanks. I am not a techy so I try to make it simple and easy. It would help to read ALL the instructions too.

Suggestion: Up on the top of the main page bar: User CP, FAQ, Community, etc. Can you place a PORT Cap't link on the bar?

Looks like folks are signing up! GREAT IDEA!!
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This sounds like an interesting idea. Wondering if there are some assumed requirements / recommendations. The big one that comes to mind is how much a person should be around. As an example, I could be a Port Captain in Fort Myers. Problem is that I'm gone 6 months a year, so more of a virtual Port Captain. Maybe some guidance on how much time a person should likely be in the area to be a good candidate, would be helpful.

Ted, go to Baccus' profile and see what he wrote there. That would be a good place to put the sort of details you mentioned.

Another example is that a search would show I am in the JAX area for physical help like giving rides etc. but in my profile I would add information help with areas like NE Florida, central Florida, SE Georgia, Abaco and Exuma.
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I'm in. Kent Island, MD (Chesapeake)
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I would also encourage TF members to give a shout out to any TF Port Captain that supported them during their cruise.

The more we share the more people feel comfortable reaching out for a ride or info, and the more will sign up to be Port Captains.

Another thing I would recommend is when someone is planning a cruise, name the places and estimated dates you will be passing through and give Port Captains the chance to reach out.

If we get Sonas back from the yard in time we will be leaving around Nov 12 for a three or four week trip to SW Florida and I will post the itinerary.
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I'm in too for Cape May NJ and Englewood FL.
Ok, all you port captains along the West coast of Mexico, to Panama and the Caribbean heads up! I’m coming your way.
Not really holding my breath, but ya never know!

Cheers, Crusty!
Ok, all you port captains along the West coast of Mexico, to Panama and the Caribbean heads up! I’m coming your way.
Not really holding my breath, but ya never know!

Cheers, Crusty!

And where after the Caribbean?

With 24K members (no idea how many active though) I have a suspicion you might be surprised!
I'm in. Southeastern Connecticut, Groton, Mystic, New London.

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Ok, all you port captains along the West coast of Mexico, to Panama and the Caribbean heads up! I’m coming your way.
Not really holding my breath, but ya never know!

Cheers, Crusty!
That's if that bucket of bolts can leave San Carlos!!! Did you install the drain plug when you put Pairadice back in the water?
And where after the Caribbean?

With 24K members (no idea how many active though) I have a suspicion you might be surprised!

Well Ill tell ya buddy! We have to be north of Florida by June next year, insurance requirements can be such a pain.
That's if that bucket of bolts can leave San Carlos!!! Did you install the drain plug when you put Pairadice back in the water?

Keep it up Buckwheat! You’ll be sleeping on the dingy deck in Mazatlan at this rate. Did get you a bottle of Scotch, might last the first night, LOL
Jesus! We went from $2600 a year in the PNW to $7,600 just for the privilege of going thru the canal. Hoping we can get a better deal if we get above the Florida line.

Its only money, right!

You certainly can't take it with you!!
Great idea, we are on board. Narragansett Bay, Block Island and next summer Vinyard and Nantucket
I dont understand the need for so much data as required by the port captain link.
I was port captain for another boating organization and only provided my contact information.

Personally i would be unwilling to pre commit to supplying some or all of the port information listed on the form. I was not providing a service for a fee. I was a volunteer and depending on the situation and my time available I might provide a lot of a little.

pre commit to supply local transportation? Really??
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I dont understand the need for so much data as required by the port captain link.

Is this some kind of marketing data collection?

I believe you only have to click yes or no?
I dont understand the need for so much data as required by the port captain link.
I was port captain for another boating organization and only provided my contact information.

Personally i would be unwilling to pre commit to supplying some or all of the port information listed on the form. I was not providing a service for a fee. I was a volunteer and depending on the situation and my time available I might provide a lot of a little.

pre commit to supply local transportation? Really??

Where on earth are you getting all this from?
I know the transportation was a big big help from Irene when I needed it in Port Angeles.
Well ... don't volunteer!
In todays world there will be people who demand you provide any service you list. This isn't 1980 when boaters were knowledgeable and courteous.
As a member of the nearly defunct Trawler List since 1998, I enjoy contact with numerous Loopers who are often also Great Loop members (something I only did for one year way back when). I always made mention of our pier facilities to folks I had established a rapport in the days ahead of their arrival, and numbers took advantage. We can berth two vessels up to fifty feet long at our spare slips with 30-Amps and shore water apiece. However, as often as not, our being about 6-8 miles off the magenta line dissuaded folks glued to it or trying to make a weather window at Carrabelle to cross the Big Bend from coming to visit. If the two hours added to their trip was too much to deal with, sayonara. With both city marinas in ruins, that may change when Looping begins again in earnest. When we did get visitors, it was really fun, and we never met anybody we didn't consider entirely worthwhile. In later years, we did learn to tread extremely delicately about political issues unless it became clear they were of our persuasion. In general, we all just stayed clear of the issue and had a great time. So, yes, I am ok with being an "official" PC volunteer with nothing promised beyond that fact. Pier use and transport or anything else would be discussed in the days ahead of the vessel's arrival so we all talk from the same page.
In todays world there will be people who demand you provide any service you list. This isn't 1980 when boaters were knowledgeable and courteous.
They can demand away.

If the simple F off doesn't work, eleven years in the submarine force taught me an arcane methodology of lacing the common vernacular with obscenities and adjectives to create dramatic verbal affronts insulting ones intelligence, hereditary (or offspring), spouse, and physical attributes.

I may be out of practice, but one readily falls back on their training when in a "situation".

PS: This generally does not work on other ex-military enlisted personnel.

PSS: I don't really do this (anymore). My wife would be mad at me for days.

PSSS: Although, if I hit myself with a hammer, or knuckle bust when wrenching, I can still get a pretty good stream going. So it's only directed towards inanimate objects these days.
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