Yachtworld Popups

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Would Adblock help?

We don't have adblock and have no problem. That's using various browsers including Chrome, Edge, and Samsung's browser. I tried Firefox just to see and no issue there either.
This is what comes up and freezes everything. Browser is Safari on an iPad.


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I sent an email to YW. Wonder if they are aware.
That is malware or more specifically adware that has somehow installed itself on iProducts. Seeing it on one person's Android surprised me although not impossible. However, most reports have been Safari related. Often that particular one is coming from an ads remover or blocker.

I'd recommend cleaning your browser and operating system with your Security software and hopefully it will go away. Those of you experiencing this, are you using a security software? Perhaps that could be why I'm not seeing it as I do have Norton on everything.
Happening to me on IPhone, IPad and pc. Real pita I just stopped going to Yachtworld.
Thank you for starting this thread! I was having a problem also with YW. Pictures hanging up, slow loading. Quit using Mozilla and started using chrome. Still not as fast as it used to be, but somewhat better. However, every time an ad with video shows up, the site grinds to a halt. I have also notified YW.

I am on a Windows laptop.
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Why not a yacht world issue?

What security software do you use?

This happens on my iPad when accessing YW, and no where else. One would think that were it a safari problem, it would also happen on other sites...

I'm wondering why I don't see anyone contracting Apple???
I seem to have good luck with my motto z . But on the computer internet explorer locks up
chrome browser works much better
Perhaps I can add to the conversation...

This is what I have done for a living for thirty years. Yes, this is a problem. It happens to me every day on my primary iPad and other iPads. It is not an Apple issue. It is not a paid ad that YW is receiving money for. There is no reason for “security software” on an iPad. Clearing settings is not the answer here as there is no way for malware to attach itself to web browsers in iOS, or there certainly never has been in the past. This issue does not occur on any other site. And, clearing all web site data does not fix the issue.

I am assuming that it is related to the fact that YachtWorld, one of the worst designed web sites I have ever seen, requires JavaScript to load photos. Java could easily be the source of these screen takeovers.

YachtWorld appears to have a problem on their hands, but as always, they could care less and will never respond to feedback. However, I suppose that if enough of us bring it to their attention they might take a look, but I wouldn’t bet on it. For those having the issue, I have found that holding my finger on the back button, which brings up the browser history, allows me to go back to a page before the pop up and continue where I left off. But be careful, some of the pop ups leave a long trail of “history” and you may have to scroll down about 20 items to get back to the real world.

The funny thing is that this sort of malware is ineffective on an iPad, which is where it’s appearing. This is the kind of thing that can really ruin your day if you are running Windows.
I view Yachtworld on my iPhone, iPad, and PC; no irritating ads whatsoever, although I wouldn't say the site is a sterling example of how to design/run a wedsite.

I see far more ads on the TF site, particularly on my iPhone.
When I started this thread, I was hoping to bring some awareness to both Yachtworld and brokers who are paying to list boats on the site. If I were paying to place listings and potential buyers could not look at them, I would be making contact with Yachtworld and maybe pulling the listing.
Yes, this is a problem. It happens to me every day on my primary iPad and other iPads. It is not an Apple issue. It is not a paid ad that YW is receiving money for. There is no reason for “security software” on an iPad. Clearing settings is not the answer here as there is no way for malware to attach itself to web browsers in iOS, or there certainly never has been in the past. This issue does not occur on any other site. And, clearing all web site data does not fix the issue.


To say that Safari and iPads aren't targets for Malware is just wrong. They have the same issues as others. You may be on target on Java and Javascript and this may be the issue, their handling of it.

Now pop-ups, both over and under, are often not malware but they've found a way once they appear on an iOS/Safari computer to then reappear each time it returns to the site. So a single incident becomes a recurring problem.

Adware also can be an iProduct issue just like any others.

The reality here is that it's something that iProduct's are handling differently on YW than other systems. Our security software or set up is not allowing the problem and I am not using an Adblocker.

You're right about no security software for iProducts, since they control all apps. However, some of the apps have been known to have infections when installed.

Should YW address the issue? Obviously. However, as a user I'd also continue to try to figure it out while they didn't. I would actually try to assist but I can't duplicate on any system I have with me. When I get home I'll try to access on an iPad (yes we do have some of all competitive products sitting around) and see if I have the issue.
The problem presents predominantly when you view the photos in a listing.
I just sent an email to YachtWorld as a paying customer rather than viewer asking them to read this thread.
I mentioned (on the other thread about this same issue) that I too experience this - but here on TF, not Yachtworld! Specifically in the Classifieds. I can generally browse about two posts in Classifieds before I get hijacked to a site where I'm the "lucky winner". This happens on my Android phone only, never on my PC, and it happens across different wifi networks but never on cellular.

Or I should say "happened". About two weeks ago it stopped and it hasn't happened once since then. No idea if TF did something, or if my DNS servers have been strengthened or what. But I'm glad it's gone.
When I started this thread, I was hoping to bring some awareness to both Yachtworld and brokers who are paying to list boats on the site. If I were paying to place listings and potential buyers could not look at them, I would be making contact with Yachtworld and maybe pulling the listing.

You might want to mention what version of iPad you have and what IOS version you are running.
You might want to mention what version of iPad you have and what IOS version you are running.

To assist you and to narrow the problem town, most IT departments would like to know the specific Hardware, the iOS version, the web browser, and the web browser version. Ideally, they would also like a screenshot of what you encountered, including the address line from the top.
Now that it’s being discussed, I get “lucky winner” type pop overs when using safari as well as when I’m looking at an article on Facebook. They don’t appear to be pup ups like an ad is, as I have a pop up blocker on my iPhone and I do get those little messages asking me if I wish to open the pop up. These are more like redirects and pressing the back button in the browser doesn’t work. I’ll try to remember to screen shot it and post it here as I run into it a lot and maybe with the collective wisdom of the forum get some help.

That being said, my gut feel is that it’s not something the sites knowingly do, so I won’t go attack the sites

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