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Bob Cofer

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    • Bob Cofer
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to slowgoesit's post in the thread Offer accepted on Beebe design! with Like Like.
      The original owner was personal friends with Robert Beebe. He modified the design 96 to his needs, it became design 118. He and his...
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to Maerin's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      Every experience I had with Balmar tech guys was excellent. They're easy to work with, really, REALLY know their product.
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to O C Diver's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      Hard to imagine how'd it was working fine (no resistance) and then it wasn't. I had the same setup on Slow Hand and would never have...
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to O C Diver's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      From a curiosity standpoint, I would like to know why the fuse went bad. I assume it wasn't the contacts on either the fuse or the...
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to Comodave's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      Can’t complain about that level of service. Good for them. And thanks for sharing this story.
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to Kit_L's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      What a great, interesting story! Thanks for sharing.
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer replied to the thread Starlink Mini.
      I cut the factory cord. Interesting design, it is an insulated center conductor with a wire braid shield that is used as the negative...
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to DDW's post in the thread Starlink Mini with Like Like.
      Are you using the cord supplied with the unit? Did you cut it? That is supposed to be 15m, reluctant to cut it off, but after market...
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer replied to the thread Starlink Mini.
      It draws 2.5a at 12v (measured) with the snow melt off. My run is about 6' and I have had no issues.
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to Bamossman's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      I had a similar issue recently with a new ATC fuse when installing a bilge pump. There was enough of a voltage drop across the new fuse...
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to Solstice1981's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      Balmar Tech services treated me very well hunting Gremlins down!
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to WillieC2's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      And TF is rising on my list for valuable information. Thanks, Bob
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to slowbutsteady's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      I installed almost the exact same configuration last year and while its working perfectly at the moment, this is great information to...
    • Bob Cofer
      Bob Cofer reacted to Chuck16's post in the thread A Balmar Story with Like Like.
      I too installed that exact same setup on one of my Lehman 120's. (GB42) I am glad to learn that Balmar is as good as I had heard! Thank...
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