Water cooled fridge

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Oct 19, 2023
Don't seem to be able to get my fridge working. It's the original water cooled fridge.
I thought I could just run it by switching the breaker on while attached to shore power, but I'm now thinking that's not all that's required.
Can anyone advise please?
You will need to supply a lot more info to expect anyone to provide you with insight/advice. Start with what is the make and model, have you checked for proper voltage, does it make any sound, if water cooled is the pump running?
You will need to supply a lot more info to expect anyone to provide you with insight/advice. Start with what is the make and model, have you checked for proper voltage, does it make any sound, if water cooled is the pump running?
Thanks, that might just be the answer. There is one switch not labled, which sounds like a bilge pump, but next time I'm on board I'll locate the source - it might just be the fridge pump. Thanks again, that's useful information.
You may have solved the problem by now, but in case you haven't -- My fridge is both air and water cooled. The water cooling is much more efficient. However, the water pump is turned on separately from the breaker that turns the frig on. The on/off switch on my frig water pump is actually located next to the pump.
You may have solved the problem by now, but in case you haven't -- My fridge is both air and water cooled. The water cooling is much more efficient. However, the water pump is turned on separately from the breaker that turns the frig on. The on/off switch on my frig water pump is actually located next to the pump.
That's very helpful, thank you.
I won't be back om the boat until early July, but will go through this then. Many thanks.

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