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Senior Member
Aug 24, 2020
Vessel Name
JoAhna K
Vessel Make
58' Bill Garden Trawler 1952
Hey everyone, I just posted below in the single or twin thread and thought i should introduce myself. I recently retired from 34 years in the Bering Sea. I was fortunate to drive some of the best vessels in the fleet, my one special 123' trawler for 28 years.

My wife and I are looking forward to getting a pleasure boat and tooling around in our retirement years. Thanks for having me!

House aft (we call them Schooners) are shallower draft and flat bottom for sitting in the mud, smaller rudders and are are twins. Most are around 100' class. The pic is a stretched 100 (now 129') I drove. I spent half the summer on one engine, negotiating tight channels and a mass of sport boats, pretty much sucked..:) These boats handle poorly at low speed anyhow. No thruster, underpowered if down to one engine. 1Cornelia Marie-2.jpg

All house forward boats like mine and North Western are single mains. A few added thrusters later, but most are not. Alaska winters can be brutal, this shot is my buddy (single main) departing the dock in +70 its. so I can get in. In the Aleutians, Seafood production does not halt for weather.IMG_0631 (2) copy.jpg
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Glad to have you. A fan of the series so I could see how good I have it!
Glad to have you. A fan of the series so I could see how good I have it!

True, I grew up with most of the older guys (Sig, Edgar, Phil, Keith, Bill etc.) is a small world up there. A few of the younger guys I don't know very well.
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Welcome tralwercap.

i recently posted that the aft PH boats like the Nordhavn 62 were styled after a vessel called "Schooners" on the west coast. I used to deliver boats along the pacific coast.

Look forward to your contributions.

Thanks for that. I see the single engine, twin engine thing is pretty well covered. Same thing we talk about for house aft (schooners) and house forward. I driven both, and like any boat, they have plusses and minuses. top boat was mine for over 30 years. Never gave me any reason to worry.
Schooners (like below, that is a 1966 build) give the crew a better ride (on the rare times they sleep) and the skipper can see the deck easily. The big disadvantage is being limited to the number of pots you stack before you block visibility. House aft can stack to the sky (if you have stability letter for it) For trawling with nets, US boats only use house forward, the Europeans use schooners. House forward have deeper drafts, and handle better with a big single main engine. Just don't take a big one and blow out your windows...:)

Welcome tralwercap.

i recently posted that the aft PH boats like the Nordhavn 62 were styled after a vessel called "Schooners" on the west coast. I used to deliver boats along the pacific coast.

Look forward to your contributions.



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