Sonar Image

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Maybe the problem is at my end, but I can't see the image, but instead see "Video Unavailable".
Garmin 943XSV with LVS32THS. That is a thru hull transducer that comes with the GLS10 sonar module. Bought it for fishing never expected to see a whale. Works well for exploring thin water and anchoring.
Watch out. Whale may not like the sonar and attack the boat! Somewhat tongue in cheek!
Is the whale bigger than to boat? You should make it a fair fight :)
You should contact Garmin with your image capture. It's better than their advertisements. Maybe they'll feel your video is worth some marketing compensation.
You should contact Garmin with your image capture. It's better than their advertisements. Maybe they'll feel your video is worth some marketing compensation.
I froze the image and estimated the whale was around 42 ft long, the same as the boat. The show the whales put on that day was a once in a lifetime scene. It went on all day and night and into the next day. Between 4 and 5 whales were feeding on salmon smolt probably released by the Hidden Falls hatchery at the head of Warm Springs Bay. They were going under the floatplane dock, the main dock, and boats tied to it. They would surface near the float plane dock close enough to touch their fins. While pouring a cup of coffee, the next morning I looked out the window to see a fluke a couple of feet from the rail. That whale was going for the smolt trying to hide under the boat by going by on its side. Never once touched the boat but rocked it a few times with “prop wash” off their tails.
Pretty cool! Those imaging sonars used to be $100k US. We used a DIDSON system beginning around 2006, I believe, for salmon management. Game changer.

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