Newbie on Deck

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May 6, 2019
United States
Joined Trawler Forum today. My wife’s father passed and we have inherited a 2006 Mariner 35’ Seville Sedan Trawler. Never been on it other than while docked. I have boated for years but can use all the advice in the world for this thing. Look forward to hearing from my new community.
Welcome aboard TF
I'm sure if you ask you will get opinions... then the tough part you will need to sort those that work for you.
Best advice... stay clear of those endlessly debated ones.
Best anchor, single or twin, gas or diesel...
My condolences on your father-in-law. I can relate, my mother-in-law just passed as well.
I really like the Mariner Seville. Nice boat. Almost bought one, but we just could not get past the fact that the original owner installed a 69 hp engine! Too small in my opinion. If that had been a John Deere 125 HP we would probably own that boat now.
Welcome aboard the forum and enjoy the boat.

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