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    • KnotYet
      KnotYet reacted to ranger58sb's post in the thread Synthetic oil for diesel with Like Like.
      Interesting links, thanks. I hadn't actually been shopping, just grabbed the first credible link I found to illustrate prices -- but...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Synthetic oil for diesel.
      See if you can pre-order T6 for pickup at your local Walmart like I can...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Fuel system plumbing question.
      Having used those or similar fittings, I feel qualified to answer that query: The fittings incorporate a central tube with threaded...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Synthetic oil for diesel.
      As with many of life's choices, the middle path is often best.
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet reacted to mvweebles's post in the thread Synthetic oil for diesel with Like Like.
      I posted a similar question last year and decided on T5 (Synthetic Blend) for my ancient Perkins 4.236. Reason was not price but rather...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Synthetic oil for diesel.
      Oil purchasing, like most consumables, will always be a moving target. Today at Walmart I found 5 gallons of T4 selling @ $71; T5 @ $94...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet reacted to rslifkin's post in the thread Synthetic oil for diesel with Like Like.
      Interestingly, I've ended up switching a few things (including the boat) to semi-syn (T5 or Delo XLE) because for the last couple of...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Synthetic oil for diesel.
      Few topics will excite more opinions than oil type! Here's mine: As sunchaser said, annual oil changes (at minimum) are preferred. CAT...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Fuel system plumbing question.
      None that I know of. I would want to have a reliable method in place to replace a clogged fuel filter while underway in rough water...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Fuel system plumbing question.
      I'm just trying to help. I don't assume that the P.O. who put this system together was wrong to do so; they were likely trying to...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Fuel system plumbing question.
      While this is one way to remove air from the filter and lines, it involves an engine. A prudent skipper may want to simply change out a...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Fuel system plumbing question.
      Just a thought: if your Racors are positioned above the lowest point of the fuel tanks, you'll need to have a method on hand to fill dry...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet reacted to chanprr's post in the thread The New Helmsman 46 with Like Like.
      Delays in internal construction have put Kiskadee completion back significantly. Hull #1 is scheduled to ship next month but a good bit...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet reacted to SteveK's post in the thread Ignition key run position positive wire with Like Like.
      To close thread. I ran a hot from the run terminal of each ignition start as I could not find any existing to use or any N.O. oil...
    • KnotYet
      KnotYet replied to the thread Fuel system plumbing question.
      This can adapt: As can this...
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