Newbie-need info on Lien Hwa boat

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SS Phelps

Good call on the insurance, but remember this has not been "totalled" or an insurance claim filed on it.
I am on the scene & know what I'm looking at. Yeah, I might step in quicksand but I know some things that maybe others do not. Stay tuned, if I wind up w/this I'll spill the whole story.
At least you know you are looking for a "project" and not a boat to cruise.
That one certainly sounds like a project.
Good call on the insurance, but remember this has not been "totalled" or an insurance claim filed on it.
I am on the scene & know what I'm looking at. Yeah, I might step in quicksand but I know some things that maybe others do not. Stay tuned, if I wind up w/this I'll spill the whole story.

Claims or title status aren't the problem, these days it is the age of the vessel. Even liability and clean-up coverage are getting difficult to find for many old boats. I commend your intestinal fortitude and, in your retirement should you desire something to keep you occupied, this certainly should fit the bill =) As someone that likes to bring home stray animals, I eventually aligned my goals with my time constraints and stopped taking on projects. You, on the other hand, appear to be looking for something to immerse yourself in so as long as you are realistic and have an exit strategy, I say "go for it!"
All input gratefully accepted. I have doubts now I will get her. The owner has paid $2400/yr now for 10 yrs, and every year she gets closer to the dumpster. If I don't get her, there's not a lot of idiots behind me in line. What a shame! One way or the other, when the dust settles I'll tell the whole story. Dec 1st & no response from owner I'm outta' here. Find another lost cause.
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Situation update- owner and I have agreed boat value=zero, but he wants a small contribution so he feels better about giving it up I guess. I've done a lot of probing and testing, and I'm 99% sure eng is fine. Trans is still milkshake but fresh water, comments here say it can be. Possible problem it's a 2.1:1, apparently not as common as 1:1.
We gonna' have a "Come to Jesus" meeting shortly & I'll follow up as things progress.
Meanwhile, can anybody give me part #s for the starter & alternator? Or where to buy other than American? He's a GREAT guy but prices are high. Even I, the "Chieftan of cheap" can't save these 2. 135 HP Lehman
Found out starter motor can be had new for $150 or so, free shpg.
the REAL Ford part is # D8NN-11000-CB, fits all HP Lehmans
OK, swallowed the bait. Now that i have a deal, ill fill in the details. Stay tuned i would rather do it on my pc instead.
So here's how it came down. Marina told owner bilge flooded *above* engine. Water entered thru lazarette, and nobody found/pulled the garboard drain. Boat has been sitting about 10 yrs, owner kept saying he was going to come down & fix it up until he heard about how high water was.
I did a thorough investigation, and water did not come up over 1/2 way on eng. Starter/alt is toast, but no (that's zero) water in the pan. Water in eng tested to -34 degrees, only took 1qt to fill. Trans took a Phelps, but since fresh water I'm gonna' flush it a few times & see what happens. Engine DOES turn by hand. Local guy can rebuild it if needed. Fuel tanks are FG, not metal. Couple floor pieces are rotted & toast. 2 good looking fairly recent batteries on boat, looks like owner visited & tried to get pump working. Water not over these batteries, so I pulled them & tried a charge. NG, zero volts, charger wouldn't start to charge. So I "tricked" it and got them charging on trickle, both up to 12V and holding. Biggest job so far was cleaning out eng rm, everything you can imagine took a cruise to parts you wouldn't believe. ( How long has it been since you saw "ESSO" anything? Full qt of ESSO motor oil in there too.)
So now when starter & alt is replaced, plan is to pull eng pressure alarm & use that hole to pre lube the engine for an hour or so. Obviously change all fluids etc. Pump out old fuel/replace. My furnace doesn't care what the cetane rating is, it won't go to waste.
So let the adventure begin. Stay tuned, when it starts I'll be back on the thread.
...... ( How long has it been since you saw "ESSO" anything? Full qt of ESSO motor oil in there too.).

The name change dates back to the Nixon administration.


As an aside, Project Farm compared an old can of Quaker State to modern oil. The old stuff didn't hold up very well.

If that boat ever made it north of the border, Esso is alive and well in Canada.
I'm 77 & need a project
I had to read this twice and still kind of wonder if this is a typo ? If not you are apparently one tough SOB. So free is free but honestly I can’t help feel this vessel you’re courting could likely be a waste of a specially qualified persons labor and funds. Just spitballing here but there are acres of Constructive Total Loss vessels after hurricanes in fact more than the salvage companies can probably handle. I’m thinking this avenue may yield a vessel that better fits your skills and needs. Worth investigating

Indeed, 77 & you need a project ???

How about buying a nice boat, take her out on the water and see the standard maintenance as 'the project' ?
I admire you for having the energy to try to bring this boat back to life, but I fear this is going to take more than 1 or 2 years. Will you then still have that energy ?
There is a nice Youtube channel called 'Tula's endless summer', where 2 youngsters buy a boat for 100 USD and spent 1 year bringing it back to life. This week they published the video where the boat was finally out at sea, but they have worked their asses off. Every single day they were busy from early morning until late evening. They did a great job, but I am too old for that and I am not 77 (lol).

In any case, if it makes you happy then just go for it. You only live once and there won't be a second chance. Good luck and let us know how the project comes along.
Well, I am blessed with good health (TG). I don't sit still, I drive truck 3 days a week in winter, & do canvas rest of the time.
What's killing me now is all the PO's S**T on the boat. Can't move! Every compartment/hidey hole and cabinet is FULL. So a couple more questions- I thought I saw diagrams of this boat somewhere, searched here NG. Watched barking sands video on AC install, but doesn't cover sea water intake & where. I can tap off wash down pump intake stbd aft by FW tank, but that's quite a run & opposite side of boat. Looking for intake hardware now (that's HARDware, I don't trust plastic) Anybody got a seacock/strainer for sale?
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OK, fresh question- can I tap off head intake water for the AC ?

KnotYet - In your avatar- is THAT your BOAT!!!!?????
OK, fresh question- can I tap off head intake water for the AC ?

KnotYet - In your avatar- is THAT your BOAT!!!!?????

LOL, that is the Iowa class battleship Iowa, beautiful ship, lying in California at this moment.
OK, fresh question- can I tap off head intake water for the AC ?

KnotYet - In your avatar- is THAT your BOAT!!!!?????

It depends on the size of the through hull and you may not be able to use the head while the A/C is running.
'Nother question- I will put in a dedicated AC thru hull, SS is a lot more reasonable than brass. Supposedly no reaction, close on the galvanic scale. Anybody done this, comments?

Anybody in/near Gloucester VA pic up a part for me?
I believe bronze not brass is the standard. I have never seen a stainless through hull on any of my boats so I presume there is a reason (cost or otherwise) why they don't use stainless. Brass would fail quickly.
When we were searching for a project boat, the only criteria I had was the engine had to be good and the hull had to be solid.

We looked at a lot of boats until we found the one we purchased. It was indeed a project boat, but the engine has run like a Swiss watch, and the hull is solid. Everything else needs the work that we intend to put into it.

Spent first half of last summer working on it and second half cruising. Absolutely loved it. We have a lot more work coming up this spring before she goes in the water for season 2. If you're up for it restoration can be an enjoyable hobby. Just make sure that hull and engine are good. Otherwise forget it.
'Scuse my ignorance. Yeah bronze not brass. Forget the "Gloucester VA thing" I asked about.
This week PO & I are supposed to meet & do prisoner exchange. Then I can get cookin' , haven't put but a few hundred into it so far (alt/starter most of it) . Looking at bigger bucks now, trans took the swim too, froze/cracked case. But not till I OWN it.
I would use bronze below the waterline. Stainless is fine above the waterline. It also looks nicer.
OK, fresh question- can I tap off head intake water for the AC ?

KnotYet - In your avatar- is THAT your BOAT!!!!?????
Sorry I missed this post from 10 days ago. As Mambo42 said, it is the Iowa.
Prior to being permanently docked in L.A. harbor, she was anchored a mile or so
outside the fairway for some below the waterline maintenance and surveying.
My friend Kit, who is sadly no longer with us, and I hopped in my tender and rode
out to get a closer look and take some photos which he was a masterfully good at.
The Iowa did not disappoint and this remains one of my favorites. :smitten:
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I would use bronze below the waterline. Stainless is fine above the waterline. It also looks nicer.

I helped a friend pull an original, below waterline SS through-hull from a 2006 Meridian last year with a hole big enough to put your thumb into, half way up the threaded shaft section, due to galvanic corrosion.
He has chosen to convert to the Tru-Design composite through-hulls with the extra safety collars to protect from any shear loads applied.
Yes, stainless steel isn’t the best for below the waterline. Bronze is preferred but composite can be used. But I still feel more comfortable with a quality bronze fitting.
Removed 2 composites from my Grand Banks after survey and prior to purchase. They were on the a/c return lines just above the waterline. They were deteriorating. Will not have anything but bronze thruhulls and seastrainers.
If the SS went bad from galvanic, was it bonded?
Should not happen. But im going bronze.
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