New Recruit

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Oct 3, 2013
Vessel Name
None for now...
Vessel Make
One day, Nordhavn
Hello! I should have into'd myself here before posting in other sections. The T & T blog sent me here to pick up "50 feet of foul-deck line", so I figured I wouldn't be here long. There is a ton of info here, and folks are nice, so I think I'll hang around.

Not a boat owner yet, and the only boats I've piloted are a 27' pontoon, and a Ranger bass rig. Many years ago I was lured aboard the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), only to find out later that cooks don't get to drive the boat! :facepalm:

The wife and I will finally be empty-nesters in 5 years (Please, Lord!), and we are laying in plans to minimize our stuff, reduce our debt, and work our way towards living aboard, voyaging, or something in between.

Look forward to knowing y'all, and as my knowledge increases, hoping to be a helpful member of the forum.

Look forward to knowing y'all, and as my knowledge increases, hoping to be a helpful member of the forum.
Welcome aboard, JP! Port of Kansas City, huh? Many "schooners" operated out of there for quite a few years and certainly qualify for admission to the Forum.

Our nomenclature varies a little but is not surmountable. :popcorn:


  • Prairie Schooner.jpg
    Prairie Schooner.jpg
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  • Parts of a Prairie Schooner.jpg
    Parts of a Prairie Schooner.jpg
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:lol: nice!!
RafterQ wrote:

"Not a boat owner yet, and the only boats I've piloted are a 27' pontoon, and a Ranger bass rig. Many years ago I was lured aboard the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), only to find out later that cooks don't get to drive the boat! :facepalm:

The wife and I will finally be empty-nesters in 5 years (Please, Lord!), and we are laying in plans to minimize our stuff, reduce our debt, and work our way towards living aboard, voyaging, or something in between"

I'm not sure that any of us get to be empty-nesters any more these days. Seems as if the little buggers keep hanging on to Mama and Papa for support of one kind or another even when they are well into middle age. :)
But welcome aboard, and so far as I am concerned the only real entry requirement into the group is to be fascinated by boats and to participate in discussions.

The USS Carl Vinson, huh? Well, as I remember, and I have to sheepishly admit that my memory is not what it used to be, the body of Osama Bin Laden was disposed of from her deck in 2011, and on November 11 of that same year (my birthday!) she played host to the first NCAA basketball game on an aircraft carrier, between North Carolina and Michigan State. :) (Lord, do I love trivia!).

Anyway . . . welcome aboard.

The USS Carl Vinson, huh? Well, as I remember, and I have to sheepishly admit that my memory is not what it used to be, the body of Osama Bin Laden was disposed of from her deck in 2011, and on November 11 of that same year (my birthday!) she played host to the first NCAA basketball game on an aircraft carrier, between North Carolina and Michigan State. :) (Lord, do I love trivia!).

Anyway . . . welcome aboard.


Carriers seem to have a lot of accolades attached. When I was aboard, (84-88) I remember a film crew was aboard to film the opening sequence of "Top Gun", and at least some of "Behind Enemy Lines" was filmed aboard her as well, but I was long gone by then. Thanks for the welcome!!

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