I guess I don't have a "Trawler"

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Oct 2, 2009
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Krogen Manatee 36 North Sea
Even with years of acknowledgment from other hailing crafts, bridge masters and commercial vessels, I feel I have to put my trawler masquerade to rest and come out of the ''cruiser'' closet.

I thought the trawl net and fish hold installation would put me over the top, but alas, in a search for additional support from the designer/builder, I scoured the original Kadey Krogen Manatee brochure for the "T" word reference, and it was absent.

The original KK Manatee Brochure reads:

“Salty. Agile. At ease with the sea. The Manatee is a new breed of coastal cruiser that cuts through ……”

And later, it reads:
“Under way or anchor down, this is a cruiser you can call “home” with pride.”

However, I did find this in the text also:
“for seafarers who prefer an able, fine-honed, friendly craft to a frivolous speedster"

OK, so I guess I can't claim to have a "Trawler", even by the builder's assigned nomenclature, but I think greater focus should be placed on the category of "frivolous speedsters", many of whom lurk in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to pounce.;)


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Mr. hh. Never having met you or even seen a picture that I can recall, one can only hope you have at least a modicum of "good looks" to make up for your trawler shortcomings BUT with your known skills at photo manipulation, even a board certified image would raise questions in my mind...You could very readily turn this:


into this:


No matter how it was described earlier. A Manatee will always be a Trawler,do not feel sorry for that. Let's face it, at the time of the concept, KKwanted their boats to be recognized as "yachts” rather than Trawlers.

Am I sure?...
Even with years of acknowledgment from other hailing crafts, bridge masters and commercial vessels, I feel I have to put my trawler masquerade to rest and come out of the ''cruiser'' closet.

Your mother and I want you to know that we still love you, whether you're a trawler or a cruiser or even a frivolous speedster. It doesn't matter. You're still our special little Larry.
Hell with "trawler", if I owned a manatee, I would only refer to it as a Manatee, or rather "The Manatee".

As I've said before, the KK Manatee is the most duly named boat ever built.
Wifey B: What speed must you go to be a frivolous speedster? I spent a few hours today on the water going 25 to 40 knots. Please, please, please say I qualify as one? If not, we'll have to go get a faster boat. Well, we do have one actually, but it's just a center console. :D
I'm guessing frivolous refers to the lack of purposeful direction, instead of rate of speed.
Wifey B, you have always been a frivolous speedster I'm guessing.
I guess I don't have a "Trawler"

Your mother and I want you to know that we still love you, whether you're a trawler or a cruiser or even a frivolous speedster. It doesn't matter. You're still our special little Larry.

Now that's funny!

Larry, just rig up a stupid fast uncontrollable dingy like mine and it will make you feel better when you start feeling slow.
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Wifey B, you have always been a frivolous speedster I'm guessing.

Wifey B: Frivolous can be very good at times...we need to reserve serious for serious things that impact lives. Speedster...well, that's an interesting one. Hubby and I have been accused of just living and functioning as if turbocharged. I like moderately fast boats but not like the super fast. 60 knots is plenty fast. Oh and I don't speed on the road even though I have a Porsche. Just the speed of the other traffic so 5 to 10 mph above max. Almost typed 5 to 10 knots...tells where my thoughts are.

I so strongly believe in the pursuit of happiness in life. What's most important toward that is the people in your life.
"You dont just have a manatee, you have the Seacow of Trawlers. :)"

Calling someone's boat a Seacow is a low blow.

I think the Manatee is a trawler. The biggest credit that makes it so is it's FD hull. More of a trawler that lots of boats here that have owners that would be appalled if someone suggested that their boat was not a trawler. How could a FD cruiser not be a trawler. Especially a Krogen.
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When going at six-something knots, I need only look at the fast-looking water passing by the hull (and not the close, slow-moving shore) to convince I'm fast enough.

Here the Coot is attempting to look fast:

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My wife should have trademarked "seacow" when she christened our first day sailer with that name. A slower, less agile boat has never been built. It would wallow in a gale.
Sea cow.......that's freakin funny!!!!!
Larry , It's a trawler Eric said so . Just move it up here where William is and almost all the boats are houseboats, Sea Rays , pontoons or bass boats and these guys will not know what it is . I tell them William is a tug , a trawler ,a troller ,a converted shrimp boat or whatever I think they might want to here . I don't care . It's fun being on a dock that your boat is different and they all want to know "what is that ? " .
what barnacles,

The expression "sea cow" is applied to a mamal known as a Manatee. It is not applied to anything having to do w boats. If you can I'd suggest deleting your post. Thank you in advance.
I'm fully aware that Manatee's are often called sea cows.
Don't get too upset, Larry, I seem to recall that in ancient lore, manatees were often taken to be mermaids by seafaring mariners. OF course, they had been at sea a long, long time!
Imagine the confusion if bridge tenders actually looked to determine if it was a trawler approaching.

I suggest the term motor vessel when contacting bridge tenders.
Imagine the confusion if bridge tenders actually looked to determine if it was a trawler approaching.

I suggest the term motor vessel when contacting bridge tenders.

"Pleasure vessel" is what I use for locks and bridges in my delivery to the lock/ bridge tender.

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
I think "Motor Boat" is the accepted term despite it's incorrectness re the "Motor" part of the expression. Our boats are powered by engines not motors. Inboard engines or outboard engines. But we say OB motors and Motor Boats. Correctness be dammed. Are you listening Marin?
I'm fully aware that Manatee's are often called sea cows.
You may not be fully aware that seacow is generally the affectionate term used when talking about manatees.
Although I have to admit the post about the day sailer was a chuckler.
Pleasure Craft is the appropriate legal term in Canada.
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