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    • angus99
      I’d be OK paying a reasonable (8-10%) markup. But a 40-50% surcharge for the same quality shafts is just unsupportable.
    • angus99
      I’m all but certain to go with A-22, but I wonder how A-19 compares with the original 37-year-old shafts in the boat. I’ve heard that’s...
    • angus99
      The yard was quoting prices from suppliers they normally use which, I’m quite sure, includes a major markup. But we’re still...
    • angus99
      Just the latest on this odyssey. The variation in pricing new shafts is even more extreme than I imagined. Pricing per identical...
    • angus99
      angus99 reacted to FF's post in the thread Cost of new shafts? with Like Like.
      Restore the shaft packing system, BUT this time use a modern packing like Duramax. Dry bilge , no problem. Modern packing is not...
    • angus99
      Ted, I’m in the water most winters in the areas we cruise. That could change if we head north next summer and—as you say—just making...
    • angus99
      So the TF brain trust is going to cost me a small fortune since I’m taking your good advice and springing for new prop shafts. 😊 In...
    • angus99
      angus99 replied to the thread “Westerleak”.
      Well, my pump is on the way to Depco. I will post whether it can be salvaged or if I need to pursue a fix like Steve’s. Thanks, all.
    • angus99
      angus99 replied to the thread Repair or Replace Shafts?.
      The pix aren’t my prop shafts. They’re rudder shafts and dye testing showed the cavities were superficial. Thnx.
    • angus99
      angus99 replied to the thread Repair or Replace Shafts?.
      I’ll definitely be comparing. On the rudder shafts the difference was >50%, IIRC.
    • angus99
      angus99 replied to the thread Repair or Replace Shafts?.
      Not easily accessible, I’m afraid. One of my reasons for asking is to avoid being ripped off. Even though this yard has a reputation...
    • angus99
      angus99 replied to the thread Repair or Replace Shafts?.
      Thanks, Ted. On the rudder shafts, the shop did a dye penetration test and were able to determine that the pitting was not deep, with...
    • angus99
      Stella Maris is on the hard to correct a misaligned strut causing excessive vibration. I think the misalignment has been there for...
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    • angus99
      angus99 replied to the thread “Westerleak”.
      Thanks, guys. I thought of Depco after I posted. That seems the safest way to go.
    • angus99
      angus99 posted the thread “Westerleak” in Power Systems.
      We have an older Westerbeke 12.5 WMD generator aboard Stella Maris. It’s developed a leak in the raw water pump which seems to be...
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