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Aug 21, 2021
I realize I’ve been posting without introducing myself.

I’m new to big boats, with a Fleming 55 as my first. My cruising territory is the San Juans north to Desolation Sound and the Broughtons. .

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and being patient with me.
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Hi back, and welcome to TF. Nice boat to start with. I love the Fleming 55. How about sharing some photos of your baby.

Are you purposely being secretive about where you live? "West coast" is a pretty broad territory.
Sorry about the vagueness of west coast. I actually have or had a few locations so it’s been Seattle, Oregon, SF and then places east. I’m in some transition at the moment.
Congrats on your new boat. The Fleming 55 is the absolute prettiest boat ever made.
Congrats on your new boat. The Fleming 55 is the absolute prettiest boat ever made.

Thank you. I agree it’s a beautiful design to my eye. I have to admit that the visual appearance was very important to me. I also believe it fits my needs well.

While it’s definitely a large boat for someone new to larger boats, I’m guardedly optimistic I will learn to handle it appropriately; indeed, learning new skills is part of the excitement of boating to me.
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