Lurker finally joining

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May 9, 2024
Roche Harbor, WA
Hey folks,

I found this site about 6 months ago and after reading it almost daily, decided to join up.

Started cruising in 2012 or so in Marina Del Rey with our first boat - a Searay 340. After cruising a bunch to Catalina and joining California Yachr Club, we upgraded to a 2016 Greenline 48 that nobody wanted in 2017. We discovered why they didn’t want it .. it was a challenging time for the company and without support we decided to pull they Gen 1 Hybrid Drives and convert it to a straight Diesel powered boat.

In 2020 we purchased a home on San Juan Is, and in 2021 we had our boat moved to Roche Harbor. We have adventured to Toba, Desolation,Princess Louisa Inlet,Vancouver, Victoria, and dozens of other trips in the Sailish Sea. It’s a slow boat, but we get great economy and have been updating it with an eye on even longer trips.

Anyway, this year we will get to Broughtons and eventually we hope to explore further North!

I’m looking forward to sharing our experiences with the boat, our updates, and issues we have discovered.

I want to thank all of you for the entertaining, educational, and enlightening posts to date.

We are MV Solitaire, and we travel with our Whippets everywhere.


Welcome aboard! I don't think I'm alone in being curious about the refit to diesel of your boat. Can you provide some details and some pics? It's a beautiful boat.
Welcome aboard! I don't think I'm alone in being curious about the refit to diesel of your boat. Can you provide some details and some pics? It's a beautiful boat.
I published a description of what we did in the Greenline forum - I'll see if I can dig up before and after pictures! cheers
Welcome aboard and just, well, come aboard! :)
Welcome to the forum.

You are in for a great trip to the Broughtons. If you are into Prawns, visit the Cleo Channel and even the Lagoon Cove Marina. They used to have Happy Hour on the dock and supplied all the peel and eat prawns you want to eat.

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