Hello All and Sundry

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Apr 5, 2021
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Striker 44
Newbie looking to keep informed on everything cruiser related.

Welcome aboard from a sundry...

Possum, Welcome Aboard.

Maybe start with small bites, there is a lot to absorb. You may find yourself overwhelmed.

Newbie looking to keep informed on everything cruiser related.

Yes, welcome to TF, from I presume is Adelaide Australia, going by your chosen avatar name and the city. Good to see another from Down-under. :thumb:

However, as I am often berating the USians and Canadians for just assuming everyone will know where they are from, merely by listing the city and sometimes the abbreviation for the state, and forgetting this is very much an international forum, might I remind you that there is, I think, an Adelaide in the US or Canada somewhere, for example. I'm sure someone will chime in re that.

OMG - there are six in North America alone - wow..
https://geotargit.com/called.php?qc...ose,are 9 places called Adelaide in the world.

So, can I use this as a reminder to everyone to consider visiting their profile and seeing if they might, with benefit to all, enlarge on it a bit as to who you are, and where exactly..?
Welcome aboard Possum of Adelaide, City of Churches. Dame Edna recognizes our new member, that`s a wrap.
Now, if I could keep the visiting possum out of the roof....
...However, as I am often berating the USians and Canadians for just assuming everyone will know where they are from, merely by listing the city and sometimes the abbreviation for the state, and forgetting this is very much an international forum, might I remind you that there is, I think, an Adelaide in the US or Canada somewhere, for example. I'm sure someone will chime in re that....

It's a losing battle. We specifically got "South Dakota" spelled out on our transom for the hailing port because otherwise everyone assumed our boat was from Sioux Falls, San Diego (yeah, go figure). And then there's Aberdeen, South Dakota -- not the one in Scotland -- although we also have a town called Scotland, but they don't wear kilts or eat haggis there -- and Groton, SD, pronounced "grow-ton" and not like the (real) Groton in Connecticut with the submarine base. We also have a Hartford, Gettysburg, Ipswich - not the one on Long Island, NY -- Woonsocket (thankfully pronounced the same way as RI), Corsica, Mt. Vernon, Toronto, Astoria -- no Greek diners or elevated trains there -- a Dallas, Stockholm, Andover (not MA), Stratford (not CT, and Shakespeare never set foot there either), Vienna (Mozart never lived there). I could go on but you get the idea.
IMO most of the desired information will be brand name specific.
The engine information will be specific to brand and model.
Navigation information will be brand specific.
Try to narrow your studies to boat brand and size.
Every boat brand has good and ‘not so good’ features.

Learning every thing about boats and boating is like eating an elephant, one bite at a time. SMILE
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Have been looking for people that own a Striker 44 or similar but without much luck. Driven by a pair of Cat 3160s again without much luck. It is fascinating to see the variety of craft on this site.
It's a losing battle. We specifically got "South Dakota" spelled out on our transom for the hailing port because otherwise everyone assumed our boat was from Sioux Falls, San Diego (yeah, go figure). And then there's Aberdeen, South Dakota -- not the one in Scotland -- although we also have a town called Scotland, but they don't wear kilts or eat haggis there -- and Groton, SD, pronounced "grow-ton" and not like the (real) Groton in Connecticut with the submarine base. We also have a Hartford, Gettysburg, Ipswich - not the one on Long Island, NY -- Woonsocket (thankfully pronounced the same way as RI), Corsica, Mt. Vernon, Toronto, Astoria -- no Greek diners or elevated trains there -- a Dallas, Stockholm, Andover (not MA), Stratford (not CT, and Shakespeare never set foot there either), Vienna (Mozart never lived there). I could go on but you get the idea.

It seems so odd to see another South Dakotan on a trawler forum. We're literally between Toronto and Astoria. My (Canadian) husband was super excited to hear that I had relatives in Toronto until I clued him in that it was Toronto, population 210. :rofl:
Shhh, don't tell anybody we have water, let them think we're just a dusty flat prairie with gophers. If any more people move here our slip fees will go up.
It seems so odd to see another South Dakotan on a trawler forum. We're literally between Toronto and Astoria. My (Canadian) husband was super excited to hear that I had relatives in Toronto until I clued him in that it was Toronto, population 210. :rofl:
Have been looking for people that own a Striker 44 or similar but without much luck. Driven by a pair of Cat 3160s again without much luck. It is fascinating to see the variety of craft on this site.
Curiosity sparked, I searched locally and found 2 smaller Strikers, 37-38ft. US boat built in aluminium(oops, in USA "aluminum"), planing hull? Maybe some pics will help.
picture for reference


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Welcome aboard Possum of Adelaide, City of Churches. Dame Edna recognizes our new member, that`s a wrap.
Now, if I could keep the visiting possum out of the roof....

If you want to see a Kiwi react, ask them about their possum’s :eek:
Sometimes they seem so ungrateful after receiving a gift from their neighbours :)
If you want to see a Kiwi react, ask them about their possum’s :eek:
Sometimes they seem so ungrateful after receiving a gift from their neighbours :)

Jokes aside, have you seen how big those 'gift' opossums from Australia that NZ received, grow..? They are like the cane toad now here in Australia. Out of control with no natural predators, and such abundant food, they grow so big they are no longer like your cute wee furry Aussie 'possums'. Think about twice the size of the family cat, and that's pretty close. :eek: :nonono: :mad:
Yes, NZers hate the Aussie possum,rightly so, it has ruined forests. Years ago on a bike(push) ride in Tassie, we encountered brushtails while cooking dinner. They were aggressive, up on the table, approaching the bbq, sneaking in, nasty things. Most of ours are ringtails, finer features, smaller, maybe better behaved. They are protected, you cannot even relocate one somewhere distant after you get it out of the roof space.

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